Issuing of commemorative coins in 2005

At its meeting on 14 December, the Executive Board of the Riksbank decided which commemorative coins will be issued during 2005. These are a coin to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dag Hammarskjöld, issued in silver with a value of SEK 200 and gold with a value of SEK 2,000, a coin to commemorate the dissolution of the union between Sweden and Norway, issued in silver with a value of SEK 200 and gold with a value of SEK 2,000, and a coin to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the first Swedish postage stamp, which will either be a bi-metal coin or in "Nordic gold" alloy with a value of SEK 50.

The design of the coins will be determined by the General Council next year. Editions, prices and a final timetable for each respective coin will be established by the Executive Board next year.

The preliminary timetable for issuing the coins is as follows:

100th anniversary of the birth of Dag Hammarskjöld, June/July 2005

100th anniversary of the dissolution of the union between Sweden and Norway, September/October 2005

150th anniversary of the first Swedish postage stamp, autumn 2005

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LAST UPDATED 12/21/2004 
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