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Last Updated Sat, Dec, 09 2006,08:30 am--Mogadishu Somalia
Controversy in Ugandan government over sending troops to Somalia

Aweys Osman Yusuf
Mogadishu 09, Dec.06 ( Sh.M.Network)
–Deploying Ugandan troops in Somalia sparked a controversy in Ugandan government. Officials of the government have been debating about the decision to deploy Ugandan troops to a foreign soil, while some officials opposed the decision of letting Ugandan troops enter the war-ravaged country Somalia.

According to Reuters, Ugandan president Yuweri Mussavani and small number of the government officials have approved sending troops to Somalia while the rest of the Ugandan officials are concerned about the decision.

Somalia’s Union of Islamic Courts vowed they would fight any foreign soldier who sets a foot in Somalia. Demonstrations against foreign peacekeeping troops took place in the Somali capital Mogadishu on Friday.

Ugandan parliament in majority has to approve sending troops to Somalia, but opposition MPs allege that most MPs in Ugandan parliament are president Mussaveni’s backers.

Senior Ugandan diplomats have indicated that US government has promised funding the Ugandan military action in Somalia, adding that US government prepared military planes like C17 and C30 to transport soldiers to Somalia.

The African troops that are supposed to come to Somalia will land at Baidoa, the only settlement, the Somali weak government administers.

Ugandan military officers say they fear attacks against them would be carried out by Islamic Courts that has already blamed Ugandan government for having several hundred military troops in Somalia.

Flex Koleiji, a Ugandan military officer, has urged Ugandan authorities to assess the developments in Somali deeply before embarking up on sending troops to the war shattered country.

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