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“…Congratulations to you on such a government in which there is no discrimination among the races, black or white, Turkish, Persian, Kurdish and Baluch is not under consideration, every body is equal to one another and there is no difference concerning men, women, the religious minorities and the other ones at the time of practicing justice.”

Imam Khomeini


 The newly born sapling of the Islamic Revolution which was irrigated by dedicating the blood of the best children of Iran, finally flourished on Feb 11, 1978 (Bahman 22, 1357 ) and due to the victory of the Islamic Revolution, and the formation of the interim government as Imam Khomeini’s decree, the ground was paved for the historic referendum.

Apr 1 (Farvardin 12) was the time during which the real characteristic of Iranians was revealed. It was the day of the oppressed over the arrogant.

It was the day of confirmation of the Islamic Revolution, which surely paves the ground for the Islamic fair government all around the world.

On this blessed day, a system was founded which reflected the honorable Islamic not just in Iran but also all around the world. On this holy day, an Islamic government was established through the mottoes asking for independence, freedom, and the existence of the Islamic Republic.

In this holy motto the word "independence"to  has been mentioned as the first aim which in turn indicates that the revolutionaries wanted to convey the message to the world expressing that the Islamic nation of Iran wants her national will to dominate her destination so that she could set herself free from the influences and interference of the foreigners.

Imam Khomeini has elaborated this point so beautifully:

“ If the country is independent, the other affairs will be all right.”

Apr 1, 1979 (On Farvardin 12,1358) Imam Khomeini sent the message through (Radio and Television)

“ God, the Exalted, has promised to make the oppressed dominant over the arrogant through his succor and blessings. The promise does not mean waiting so long. I hope that we can witness that special day and the oppressed can conquer the arrogant, like the case which have been so far… I appreciate the whole Iranian nation who took part in this referendum and they cast the ballot, which shows a 100% victory, and their vote protected the Islamic Republic…. This is the Islamic Republic of Iran whose advanced laws and rules have priority over those of the other classes and schools of thoughts.”

The honorable leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran has continued:

“The morning of Febr 1 (Farvardin 12) which is the first day of Allah’s government is one the greatest national and religious feasts of ours and our nation should celebrate this feast. They must refresh the memory of the day during which the columns of the2500-year-old palace belonging to the tyrannical government collapsed and the vicious dominance was forever wiped out and the government of the oppressed was replaced instead.

Another aim implied by the motto mentioned above was the word “freedom”. There have been so many different ideas about freedom. However; this term has the most general and the most objective meaning which is: the necessary political and social situations required for individuals’ evolution and improvement, within which there would be no legal and cultural barriers like custom and habits, the political barriers like the tyrannical dominance, colonialism and dictatorship.

The final aim of the main motto was the word “Islamic Republic” which consists of two words: “ Republic” and “Islamic”. The word “Republic” means the mass of people or the crowd and the reason of selection of such a term for a system formed after the revolution, is the people-based attitude of dealing with affairs of the country so that people’s free will has a key role at the time of determination of nation’s destiny. To imply the government which is people oriented to survive.

The word “Islamic” distinguishes this republic from the other counterparts and it has its own characteristics. In this system, the Divine and Quranic values will dominate all of the affairs and the legal guardian along with divine system will be the leading power whose duty is to guide people and help them improve along with controlling their daily affairs.

It was at this moment that the vicious temptations of the evil doers began namely as they suggested that the government should be only republic based, having no further implications like democratic… etc. Therefore; having been aware of the danger of deviance of the united nation of Iran, and through informing people, Imam Khomeini, guided the people in this way.

The people of Iran through their informative presence at the ballot boxes, on the historic days of Farvardin10, 11 embodied one of the greatest aims of the Islamic revolution’s dreams and could realize the final victory of the Islamic Revolution through their magnificent and unbelievable votes.

The glorious result of the Iran’s nation (98.2%) put an end to any discussion and dispute in the form of Iran’s government after the fall of the 2500-year-old monarchy and through the firm leadership of Imam Khomeini and the unique efforts of the Iran’s Muslim nation, was established all across the country so that through God’s help the nation could hopefully pave the ground for the Islamic fair government suitable for the twelfth Imam’s appearance (Imam Mahdi).