It's time for a vote of greater independence

October 8, 2004

Thirteen million Australians will decide tomorrow who will have the privilege of governing in the name of all Australians, of divining the prudent course for this nation's future while deriving, as America's founding fathers so eloquently prescribed, "their just powers from the consent of the governed". Elections mark a nation's changing times. This election marks change for us, the Herald. There comes a time when a newspaper, having expressed its voting preference for more than 170 years, as has the Herald, must renew and reassess its claim on independence so that its pursuit of truth is not only free of partisanship and without fear or favour, but is seen to be so. From today, the Herald no longer will endorse a political party.

The Herald's first editorial, published on April 18, 1831, gave this undertaking: "Our editorial management shall be conducted upon principles of candour, honesty and honour. We have no wish to mislead; no interest to gratify by unsparing abuse or indiscriminate approbation." That pledge is honoured today.

This newspaper has endorsed one of the political parties in an editorial before each election, with few exceptions. We have done so without believing that we have undermined our deep-rooted principles of independence, or the two broad themes that have guided Herald advocacy over generations: market libertarianism and social liberalism. And it is true the Herald has endorsed Labor federally three times - in 1961, 1984 and 1987 - and once in a state election - in 2003. On some occasions at least, many Herald readers would have seen Labor as clearly superior. The newspaper did not endorse federal Labor in the first 60 years of Federation mainly because the party's economic policies were unsuitable. At other times endorsement was denied for reasons less admirable.

But when we have endorsed one side or the other, nothing has dented our subsequent determination to confront that party when we believed it erred by action or omission. We recognise, however, that expressing a preference for one party in an election will taint us in the eyes of some readers; that they will think that if we are partisan at election time, then we will be partisan at other times. Our contract with readers is too precious to run that risk.

Neither newspapers nor political parties have attitudes set in stone. Both evolve to meet changing aspirations, circumstances and tastes in the world they reflect. Labor, founded in part on a belief in the White Australia policy, modernised its economic policies in the 1980s. John Howard's Liberals are more diverse than were Robert Menzies'. Old trade protectionists from the first decades of Federation don't rate a mention in either party today. Likewise, the newspaper is unrecognisable alongside our foundation edition.

Our decision to no longer endorse one party or another at election time is not a judgement about any party offering itself for election in 2004. However, to build an even stronger, unequivocally independent voice, we need to strike out on a new course.

This is not an exercise in fence-sitting, a pastime that risks its own injuries. We do not adopt this course because of an inability to choose between the Howard or Latham offerings. Their consumer promises may look similar; their underlying patents are not. Some will mourn the passing of such a lengthy tradition; others will argue it is one which belonged to an era of newspaper barons courting patronage. We are realistic enough, too, to know the policy may not hold forever. A truly awful government of any colour, for example, would bring reappraisal.

Voters in this campaign have been bombarded with spending promises on a scale unseen in Australia. The unedifying auction for votes entrenches cynicism. The Coalition and Labor have prosecuted their claims to supremacy with, among other things, confusion, scaremongering and deceit, and timetables intended to compound the electoral effect of all three.

The Herald is not ignoring this spreading stain on the democratic fabric. We will continue to offer forthright opinion - without being merely opinionated - on issues that daily affect life in this city, this state, this nation and the world. Over recent weeks, the newspaper has intensified examination of the choices confronting voters, particularly in our Blueprint series. We have highlighted issues we regard as pertinent. Through reportage and commentary, we have tried to distil the campaign so that readers are better able to cut through the cacophony to its essence; so that offerings of rival political camps are more coherent in their reception than in their transmission.

We will continue rigorous scrutiny. When governments, federal and state, demonstrate increasing intolerance of fearless advice, and when public servants are pressed to tell government what government wants to hear, independent scrutiny is more vital than ever. By actively demonstrating our political independence, we will rejuvenate our mandate to scrutinise, criticise, encourage, censure, damn or endorse.

We do not rely on the argument that our readers are clever enough to determine their own voting preferences, although that is our firm belief. Our rationale is one of self-interest and, for this, we do not apologise. We rank as our most valued asset our reputation for integrity with readers. Independence from the political contest is vital to that. Only by being truly nonpartisan can we be seen to be genuinely unshackled in our determination to pursue truth and to root out wrongdoing.

We must not only be independent of fear or favour, of being captive to partisan politics, but, like justice, we must be seen to be so.

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