The tried and tested route of history
The Malays may finally unite under Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as planned. And once that happens, Abdullah can safely call for the dissolution of Parliament to make way for the 12th General Elections.

The hand that rocks the cradle can rock the world

Twisting and turning

20 years of shellshock

Labuan Liberty Management Rasuah PTG?

Pak Lak says public freedoms can be sacrificed for stability's sake

Ali Rustam: invoke ISA or withdraw citizenship of lawyers

A distortion of history

VIDEO: M for Malaysia : Past, Present & Future


I Am Legend : A tribute to the brave lawyers!

Abdullah dah mulakan tangkapan untuk lemahkan penentangnya?

Mental makeup of AAB & his harshness towards Hindraf?

The tough get going…

The Reid Commission

Rakyat semakin pening

On the eve of World Human Rights Day, a string of arrests…

Osama interviewed by American film maker

Bloggers now threatened as much as journalists in traditional media

Ampun Tuanku, patik-patik petisyen lagi

Walking with 500 cops

Pak Lah lied!

Foreign workers face campaign of brutality in Malaysia

Talian hayat politik Abdullah kian rapuh

A legacy the country can do without

Business as usual in the land of the Ummah

Barah pembaziran

Dolah buat lawak lagi

USA above the law, a new book by World Futures

Face to Face: John Berthelsen

MARAH: Malay Rights Action Hoard

How so few determine the fate of so many

When do you think Pak Lah will hold the next general elections?

News & Commentaries
Berita & Komentar
Letters / Surat

Penyelewengan dalam penjualan saham Syarikat Air Melaka

From Chamber Pots to the Chancellory

Calling All Bloggers: Operasi Lalang imminent?

‘Political cleansing’ hadiah BN untuk Hari Hak Asasi

Ye shall straighten the rivers

National Registration Department seditious, breaks the law and bodoh

Bekas tukang masak menjadi Canselor Universiti

Crackdown will not deter future mass actions

Sunday arrests render hollow Prime Minister's claims of a democratic Malaysia

Malaysia’s international image on human rights blotted

AG Gani Patail should drop the charge of "attempted murder"

HINDRAF is guilty of high treason

Putrajaya Holdings Sdn Bhd

Zaki's appointment: No saving grace for the judiciary

Press statement by Dr. Lim Teck Ghee on “Voice of the People Survey Findings”



A distortion of history

17 August 1945 was the date that Malaya would gain independence. However, on 6 August 1945, the Americans dropped the atom bomb on Hiroshima followed by another one on Nagasaki soon after. And on 15 August 1945 the Japanese surrendered, two days before Malaya’s independence could be proclaimed.

My years of living in rock

This weekend I did not think deep profound thoughts about my column. I was thinking about rock and roll. Yes – that music that was part of the wave of "yellow culture" our parents warned us about. We have known "sin" through rock and roll, some wise men would conclude.

Abdullah usah berfikir panjang untuk bertindak ke atas Hindraf

Hari ini Abdullah Ahmad Badawi selalu Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (KKDN) sudah diberi kepercayaan penuh untuk bertindak tegas ke atas anasir-anasir yang memperalatkan kaum Hindu untuk kepentingan diri dan politik mereka itu.

Alah......beeb buatlah fitnah oori

Saya juga ada mendengar tohmah dan fitnah dari kawan-kawan saya yang telah menonton tv Malaysia. Ini kerana saya tidak memiliki tv maka wajiblah mendengar laporan tangan kedua. Kawan-kawan saya menjadi To Perawi mula mengembangkan fitnah dan tohmah yang mereka lihat dan di dengar dari tv. Hebat. Sungguh hebat.

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