
The Research Division regularly receives guests from both central banks and universities. These guests present their research at a seminar and participate in meetings with Riksbank employees from various fields, not just within the Research Division. Guest researchers usually spend around a week at the Riksbank, although there are occasionally longer visits of six months or a year.

Lars Svensson, Princeton University, 15-19 January

Viktors Stebunovs, Boston College, 23 January

Falko Fecht, Bundesbank, 26 January

Maria Punzi, Boston College, 30 January

Alexandre Janiak, ECARES/Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1 February

Yavuz Arslan, University of Rochester, 5 February

Stefano Gnocchio, Pompeu Fabra, 6 February

Rocco Huang, University of Amsterdam, 9 February

Judit Montoriol-Garriga, Pompeu Fabra, 12 February

Kjell Björn Nordal, Norges Bank, 15 February

Erik Hjalmarsson, Boards of Govenors, 6-7 March

Hans Degryse, Tilburg University, 12-15 March

Steven Ongena, Tilburg University, 13-15 and 27 March

Ferre De Graeve, Ghent University, 16-18 April

Gert Peersman, 23-24 April 2007

Kenneth Rogoff, Harvard University, 7-9 May 2007

Christa Hainz, University of Munich, 14-16 May

Massimo Rostagno, ECB, 28-29 May

Susanto Basu, Boston College, 4-15 June

John Fernald, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 4-15 June 2007

Ulf Söderström, Bocconi, 13-17 August

Stefan Gerlach, BIS, 17-19 September

Christa Bouwman, Case Western, 10-14 December
