Help for Publishers

Help for Publishers

Google News

Help for Publishers

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You’re picking up some of my articles, but not all of them. Why not?

If we’re crawling some of your site’s articles, but not all of them, there may be some technical issues with some of your articles. It’s also possible that our crawler isn’t able to locate the articles on your site.

First, please review our technical guidelines to ensure that the articles in question are crawlable by our robot.

Next, check out Google News Sitemaps, which offers error reports specific to Google News as a part of our Google Webmaster Tools. These error reports will explain any problems we experienced crawling or extracting articles from your site.

For information on Google News Sitemaps, please visit If you'd like to learn more about how Google Sitemaps works, just check out the Google Sitemaps Help Group where our users share helpful tips and expertise.


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