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Common issues: Page isn't refreshing

Google News refreshes its content several times an hour. If your page isn't refreshing, it's probably because your web browser is displaying a cached version of Google News when you attempt to reload the page. You may be able to solve this problem by clearing your browser's cache. To clear your cache, please follow the browser-specific instructions below.

Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE)

  1. Close all open browser windows.
  2. Open Internet Explorer and click the Tools menu.
  3. Select Internet Options.
  4. Click the General tab.
  5. Click Delete Files under Temporary Internet files.
  6. Select Delete all offline content.
  7. Click OK.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Close all open browser windows.
  2. Click the Tools menu at the top of your browser, and select Options.
  3. Click Privacy.
  4. Click Clear next to Cache.
  5. Click OK.


  1. Close all open browser windows.
  2. Open the Safari menu on your browser's toolbar.
  3. Select Empty Cache.
  4. Click Empty in the dialogue box.

Mozilla and Netscape

  1. Close all open browser windows.
  2. Click the Edit menu at the top of your browser, and select Preferences.
  3. Click the "+" next to Advanced.
  4. Select Cache under Advanced.
  5. Click Clear Cache.
  6. Click OK.
Note: in some cases, it may be necessary to clear your cache more than once.
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