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Boston, Massachusetts people

The 2007 Boston, MA, population is 590,763. There are 12,227 people per square mile (population density).

Family in Boston, MA

The median age is 33. The US median is 37.6. 28.72% of people in Boston, MA, are married. 7.12% are divorced.

The average household size is 2.26 people. 11.77% of people are married, with children. 11.00% have children, but are single.

Race in Boston, MA

53.54% of people are white, 24.91% are black, 8.06% are asian, 0.42% are native american, and 13.32% claim 'Other'.

15.68% of the people in Boston, MA, claim hispanic ethnicity (meaning 84.32% are non-hispanic).

Boston, MA People data

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