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Cane Spree - The History

       As the university maintains, Cane Spree evolved from the tradition during the time following civil war of Princeton students to carry ellaborate canes. In 1865, the upperclassmen deemed the freshmen unfit to carry such canes and, in an act of awesome violence, attacked members of the freshman class, seizing their canes. This has become the focus of the "cane wrestling" event. However, everyone knows that real cane spree sport is Ultimate Frisbee. In a face to face show off, the freshmen class attempts to overthrow the power of their elder sophomore foes. Some may say that the freshmen never win Cane Spree, but it isn't quite true. The freshmen have an inherent disadvantage because of the well publicized "freshman factor", namely the tendency for hoardes of overzealous non-Ultimate players to take to the field. However, some extraordinary classes manage to defy the odds and humiliate their elders. Here is a partial list:

Class of 2008
Class of 2001
Class of 1998
Class of 1995
Class of 1991
Class of 1980

Even larger than the tradition of Cane Spree itself is the tradition of smack talk that preceeds the events of Cane Spree. Freshmen and sophomores alike clash in a battle of wits to see who may string the hardest and fastest insults into the form of verse. Below is an archive of the smack talk of years past.


Website designed in 2007 by Brandon Szeto.
E-mail bszeto@princeton.edu with any problems.