Riksbank interest rates

The Riksbank sets what are known as key interest rates as part of its monetary policy. These rates are the deposit rate, the lending rate and the repo rate. The repo rate is the most important key rate. The marginal rate was the Riksbank’s key rate from December 1985 until the end of May 1994, when it was replaced by the repo rate.


In addition to the monetary policy key rates, the Riksbank also sets the reference rate (previously the discount rate), which is referred to in the Interest Act.


Search Riksbank interest rates

By using the simple search function (click on one of the headings on the left) you can obtain all available series in the Riksbank interest rates group.


The Riksbank’s key interest rates include:

  • The repo rate
  • The deposit rate
  • The lending rate, and
  • The marginal rate


Other Riksbank interest rates includes:

  • The reference rate, and
  • The discount rate

Advanced search

It is possible to carry out an advanced search in the selected group by clicking on the heading Advanced search above the actual search box. The advanced search enables you to select individual series within this interest rate group, as well as calculation method, various methods of presentation (HTML, CSV, Excel table and text file) and decimal separator.


Advanced search of all series

It is possible to carry out an advanced search of all series by selecting Advanced search of all series in the menu on the left. This makes all interest rate and exchange rate series available for search and it is also possible to select calculation method, various methods of presentation (HTML, CSV, Excel table and text file) as well as the decimal separator.
