View and add to your calendar on the go

Get Google Calendar on your phone. Want to get started right away? Just click the button and we'll send a link to your phone.

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View your schedule from anywhere. Check your Google Calendar schedule from anywhere on your mobile device. Browse any day to see all scheduled events at a glance.

Add events on the fly. Type event details, press "Add now" and you are good to go. Google Calendar will add the event to your schedule.

Always in sync. Your calendar stays synchronized whether you access it from your PC or your phone. If a scheduled event changes it will be reflected immediately on Google Calendar for mobile devices.

Don't have Calendar? Sign up for an account.

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Requirements: You must have a compatible web browser on your Mobile phone and access to the Internet. Please see our help center pages for more information. This service is free from Google but charges from your carrier may apply.

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