
Find and connect to local businesses on the go.

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Search for businesses by name or category. Can't stand typing? GOOG-411 will understand your voice and find the business you're looking for. Search by name ("Giovanni's pizza") or category ("Pizza").

Connect to the business directly, free of charge. No need to write down a note or memorize long phone numbers. GOOG-411 connects you, free of charge.

Get more details by SMS — Simply say "text message" and GOOG-411 will send you a text message with more information and a link to a map of the business you've selected, free.

Dial 1 800 GOOG-411. For fastest access, simple add GOOG-411 to your contact list: 1 800 466-4411

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Google Voice Local Search is free. However, you may be charged for air-time minutes or for using the SMS functionality based on your mobile phone plan. This service is still in its experimental stage. It may not be available at all times and may not work for all users. It's currently only available in English, in the US, for US business listings.

"Simply Amazing. Great for when I am driving around since it is all voice activated. Just throw on the bluetooth headset, click GOOG-411, and enjoy!"

- Peter Urda

"I have been messing with GOOG-411 recently and find it simply amazing. I even plan to use it on vacation this summer to find hotel rooms in the cities I will be stopping at. Thanks, Google!"

- Adam Moore

"This feature is awesome! Now I can use this instead of getting charged a lot of money on my cell phone while I am on the road! Thanks Google!"

- Christina Luzar

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