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Highways to Hell: The Long-Distance Transport of Farmed Animals

Cattle being lifted two at a time by net off a ship at port in the PhilippinesBeing transported, whether to slaughterhouses or to “finishing” sites (for fattening prior to slaughter), is acknowledged as one of the most stressful events in the lives of farm animals—billions of whom make such final journeys annually around the world. The long trips, strange situations, lack of mobility, close quarters, exposure to temperature extremes, and crowding in with unfamiliar animals are all factors that cause stress and harm. The results include a high incidence of death and injuries—including bruising, broken bones, goring, and abrasions—as well as dehydration, heat stroke, and severe motion sickness, not to mention the spread of disease among animals and, beyond that, to humans.

Historical perspective

Long ago, in his 1890 book Cattle Ships, British politician and social reformer Samuel Plimsoll investigated the dreadful animal cruelty (and the great danger to sailors) that existed in the shipping of live animals from America and Australia over huge stretches of ocean to Great Britain. He considered the question of “why cattle for food are imported alive at all, seeing that great quantities of beef are imported in a refrigerated state from the same ports in America from which live cattle are sent, and in a frozen state…from…Australia and New Zealand.”

Why, indeed? After researching the question among butchers and meat inspectors, Plimsoll found that the answer was, basically, money. Although animal flesh shipped (refrigerated) as meat from overseas tasted the best, the flesh of animals shipped live looked the best, and middlemen could thus sell it for the highest price. Further, animals transported live, then slaughtered and skillfully butchered in Britain according to the distinctive local style, could be sold as British beef, which was prized because of its superior reputation. Similar conditions applied in the case of mutton shipped from Australia and New Zealand.

A New York newspaper account contemporary with Plimsoll’s investigations reported on the conditions aboard one such ship: “The cattle are tightly jammed together…mad and furious with terror and unrest. They have to stand all the time (sometimes sixteen days) they are on board. This alone is prolonged torture.” In heavy weather, ships “rolled and pitched,” and the “suffering beasts [were] thrown from side to side, goring each other with their horns.” Another seaman was paraphrased in the same newspaper series: “A sea-sick man, he said, is one of the most pitiful things one can see, but his sufferings are nothing to those of a dumb brute. They will look at one so pleadingly and helplessly that you almost feel like crying for them. You have no idea how they are knocked about when a wave strikes the ship. Between overcrowding, the storms, and our sticks, the poor beasts have a hard time enough.”

As the first officer of a cattle ship remarked to Plimsoll on the subject of shipowners,

“There is no cruelty to the cattle and no risk to the men that will stop them, if there is money in it.”

Money is a driving factor today, as always. Among the many reasons why animals are shipped over great distances is the fact that the cost of transporting animals is lower than the cost of shipping feed. Another is that live animals are shipped for slaughter abroad to take advantage of the opportunity to label the meat misleadingly. For example, producers find it easier to claim that meat from animals slaughtered in the Middle East is in accordance with Islamic halal regulations, whether or not it is true; other producers claim, in order to pander to local preferences, that the meat is a product of the country where it was slaughtered rather than the country where it was raised, as with Spanish-raised (”Italian”) horsemeat and Canadian (”Island-Produced Hawaiian”) pork. Further, as is obvious, certain kinds of livestock are more easily raised in some environments than in others, so demand for some kinds of meat can be met only through international trade. Still, the question remains as to why live animals are moved, rather than meat.

Millions of sheep are transported by ship from Australia to various destinations in the Middle East each yearInadequate regulations protecting animals

Health and animal-welfare regulation regarding animal transport tends to be poor, and enforcement is of low priority around the world. Although progress has been made in some areas of the world—particularly in the European Union—the profit motive and the values of Plimsoll’s day are still in effect in the shipping and trucking of animals to slaughter and to finishing sites.

In the United States, essentially the only law protecting farmed animals in transport, known as the 28-Hour Law, dates from 1873. It says that livestock transported across state lines may not be confined for more than 28 hours without being unloaded “in a humane way” for rest, feeding, and watering for a period of five consecutive hours. Shockingly, until 2006 the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) successfully maintained that the law, which specified the means of transportation as “a rail carrier, express carrier, or common carrier,” excluded transport by means of truck. This left the vast majority of farmed animals—95 percent, amounting to some 50 million animals—without any legal protection during their move to slaughter or finishing. Truckers regularly transported animals for periods of up to 48 hours without giving them any rest, food, or water. Animal-welfare organizations tried for decades to close the loophole in the law that allowed them to do so.

Finally, in 2006, a legal petition filed by the Humane Society of the United States, Farm Sanctuary, Animals’ Angels, and Compassion over Killing succeeded in getting the USDA to reverse its position on the inclusion of trucks in the definition of “common carrier.” However, early indications show that the 28-Hour Law is still not adequately enforced, and even if it were, it represents only a bare minimum of concern for animals’ welfare.

The European Union has perhaps the most thorough regulatory system regarding the transportation of animals within its borders, but even there, enforcement of existing laws leaves much to be desired.

Goats on truck going from Namibia to South AfricaMajor routes

Here are some of the major international animal-transport routes, with some numbers on the duration or length of the journeys:

  • cattle from Brazil to Lebanon, for so-called “halal” slaughter (meaning slaughter accomplished in accordance with Islamic requirements, often a false claim in practice)—17 days by boat
  • sheep from Australia to Jordan, again for “halal” slaughter (although most Australian slaughterhouses are halal-certified anyway)— several months by road and sea
  • cattle from New Zealand to Asia (primarily China)
  • goats from Namibia to South Africa—two to five days, 600 to 1,200 miles by road

between North American countries:

  • pigs from Canada to Hawaii—a weeklong, 4,000-mile journey first by truck and then by ship so that the pork can be labeled “island produced” in a market that values Hawaiian pork
  • cattle between the United States and Canada (both ways) and between the United States and Mexico

and, within Europe, animals from Spain to other countries:

  • sheep to Greece
  • horses to Italy—36 to 46 hours by truck so that the horsemeat can be labeled as of Italian origin; Italian horsemeat has a reputation as a delicacy
  • lambs and sheep to Italy
  • pigs to Italy

Death and injuries

In the United States more than 250,000 pigs die each year as a result of the methods used to transport them. This represents a high incidence; pigs are particularly sensitive to the physical insults of long-distance transportation. But the vast numbers of factory-farmed chickens all over the world—more than 40 billion were transported in 2000—mean that the absolute numbers of dead poultry are far higher. In Canada it is estimated that some 50,000 chickens die each week during transport. Worldwide, the incidence of broken bones in broilers is around 95 percent (a contributory factor to which may be the extremely poor bone health of factory-farmed chickens).

A major international, multiorganizational initiative known as Handle with Care, which is devoted to stopping the long-distance transport of animals for slaughter, says that tens of thousands of sheep starve to death annually on Australian ships: having been raised grazing on grass, they do not recognize as food the concentrated pellet feed they are given on shipboard. Cattle die during transport most frequently because of heat stroke, trauma, and respiratory disease. Animals of all kinds are given inadequate space allowances that are calculated on the basis of their physical size rather than the room they actually need to be comfortable—the room needed to balance themselves on shipboard, for example. Falls and bruising are common consequences.

Other aspects of shipping cause further physical, mental, and emotional stress on animals. During loading and unloading, for example, workers may, through inhumanity or simple carelessness, hit animals to hurry them along. Cattle are bundled into nets and lifted by crane off ships. The tying of animals on a moving vehicle causes many injuries. And certain species, such as cattle and pigs, do very poorly when mixed together in close quarters; such mixing is a common occurrence regardless.

Thousands of cattle are shipped weekly from Brazil to the Middle East for slaughter so that often-spurious claims of the use of halal slaughter methods may be made. Even before they make the sea voyage, the cattle will have been trucked in tightly packed, hot vehicles with no food or water for three to four days just to get to port. Then they are loaded onto ships for a 17-day voyage, during which some 8 to 10 percent of the animals will die.

The spread of disease

Long-distance transport of animals also poses health risks to human populations. It has always been the case that new diseases come and go, but diseases that in the past might have arisen and died out on a single farm have managed to reach quasi-epidemic status by means of long-distance transport. Putting together unfamiliar animals raised on different farms encourages infection, and moving those animals across great distances encourages disease to spread.

The spread through Asia of avian influenza, or bird flu, made the news in the late 1990s and early 21st century. Not only can the H5N1 (bird flu) virus be highly deadly among poultry, but various strains of the virus have succeeded in leaping the species barrier to infect and kill humans, such as in Hong Kong in 1997. Since then, H5N1 has spread to humans—usually people who work directly with poultry—elsewhere in Asia, including Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Turkey, and Indonesia, with a case fatality rate of 50 percent or more. This strain has also resulted in the death or preventative destruction of hundreds of millions of birds. Since then the disease has spread to human and bird populations in Europe and Africa. Few of the 380-plus human victims contracted the disease from person-to-person contact rather than directly from poultry, but person-to-person transmission has occurred. And because all viruses have the ability to change, it is feared that, should the bird flu virus mutate to a strain more easily transmitted between humans, a worldwide pandemic could occur. If that mutated strain were as virulent among human beings as the H5N1 strain that arose in 2003 is among poultry, the death toll would be enormous. Since more than 40 billion chickens are transported over long distances around the world, this would be an easy way for such a disease to travel.

Sheep en route to port in Australia for shipment to the Middle EastConclusions

Assuming that the large-scale consumption of slaughtered animals is not going to end anytime soon, animal-welfare organizations around the world agree with the conclusions made more than 100 years ago by Samuel Plimsoll: for the health and well-being of animals as well as people, the trade in live animals across long distances must cease, to be replaced by a trade in meat. The slaughter of animals must take place as close as possible to where the animals are raised and in any case no more than a matter of eight or so hours away.

Handle with Care also states conclusively that the abolition of long-distance shipping, not the improvement of animal-welfare and health standards, is the only way to solve the real and potential problems inherent in the practice: “A legislative approach is no solution, because it is very difficult and costly to ensure adequate resources on the ground to achieve acceptable levels of enforcement and compliance.” An end must be brought to the long journeys of suffering lasting days, weeks, or even months that billions of animals endure each year.

Images: Cattle being lifted two at a time by net off a ship at port in the Philippines; millions of sheep are transported by ship from Australia to various destinations in the Middle East each year; goats packed on a truck going from Namibia to South Africa; sheep en route to port in Australia for shipment to the Middle East—all courtesy WSPA.

To Learn More

British Columbia SPCA information page on transportation of farm animals

Handle with Care report: “Beyond Cruelty, Beyond Reason: Long-Distance Transport and Welfare of Farm Animals” (.pdf file) (source of many figures in this article)

“Crimes Without Consequences: The Enforcement of Humane Slaughter Laws in the United States,” an Animal Welfare Institute report; includes reports of cruelty and injuries to farm animals during long-distance transport

“Long Distance Transport: It’s Time to Stop Driving the Pain,” an article by Monica Engebretson in November 2006 issue of Satya magazine

Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy global report on avian influenza as of May 2008

How Can I Help?

Support the work of Handle with Care, the Humane Society of the United States, Farm Sanctuary, Animals’ Angels, Compassion over Killing, and your local animal-welfare organizations.

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Cattle Ships: Being The Fifth Chapter Of Mr. Plimsoll\'s Second Appeal For Our SeamenCattle Ships: Being the Fifth Chapter of Mr. Plimsoll’s Second Appeal for Our Seamen
Samuel Plimsoll (2007; originally published 1890)

Plimsoll was a 19th-century British politician and social reformer who dedicated himself to achieving greater safety for seamen. His name endures in the Plimsoll line, a mark formerly used to indicate the safe loading limit for various kinds of cargo ships; this was established as the result of his investigations into unseaworthy and overloaded vessels, often heavily insured, in which owners risked their crews’ lives.

Cattle Ships (1890) documents the terrible and dangerous conditions on these ships for the sailors as well as the cattle. With the use of eyewitness accounts, interviews, and photographs gathered through personal investigations among his network of contacts—including government officials and common seamen alike—Plimsoll lays bare the grave risks at which men and animals were placed for reasons of profit. The book is valuable as a historical artifact; his photographs and other illustrations of ships, people, and London meat markets, and the level of detail he achieved (down to the tell-tale differences in butchering styles between various British locales), vividly document a past era. But further, the work speaks to Plimsoll’s passion to improve the lot of both cattle and sailors, and it invites comparison to long-distance animal transport as it exists today as well as consideration of the question of whether things have really improved much for the animals since that time.

(The 1890 printing of this book is also available for reading or download on Google Books at

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