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Search Tips and Advice

Getting Started

Think of something you want to learn about -- it can be anything

The Search Box

The fastest way to start a search is to use the Search Box. The Search Box is displayed in the header of most pages on the website, it looks like this:


To perform a search, just type your query in the Search Box, select the content source you want to search against using the drop-down menu, and click the "Go" button.


Query Quirks

Case Sensitivity

Type your query in uppercase or lowercase--it doesn't matter. Changing the case of the letters in your query will not affect search results in any way. EXAMPLE: If your query is AIDS, you can type aids and get the same search results.

Special Characters

Special characters have no impact on your search, with the exception of the asterisk, *. The * indicates a wildcard search, learn more.

Natural Language Queries

Typing your query in natural language is a great way to get specific information. We strip out common words for you and return results that contain the most occurrences of the keywords in your query. EXAMPLE: If you type what is the third longest river in the world?, results that contain the most occurrences of the words "third," "longest," "river," and "world" will be returned. These results are ranked according to the number of times the keywords appear.

British Spellings retrieves encyclopaedia articles from a database based on the text of Encyclopædia Britannica. Because Encyclopædia Britannica is of British origin, many of the articles use British spellings. If your query is an American spelling of a word that has a British equivalent, you may receive a greater number of results by using the British spelling. To determine if an alternative spelling exists for your query, consult this list of British equivalents.


Using abbreviations in your query can make a dramatic difference in your search results. Many abbreviations are used by's content sources. If you want to find a specific abbreviation to use in your query, search this extensive abbreviation list.


Contents | Getting Started | Understanding Search Results | Refining Your Query