Google Help

Browse Google News Help


We'd like to help you find your answer

Our goal is to help you get the fastest answer to your question. Here's how you can find what you're looking for:

  • For answers on how to use Google News look in the Google News Help Center. These pages contain up-to-date tips and information on how to get the most out of Google News. If you’re a publisher, the fastest way to find answers is to browse or search our Help for Publishers. Here, you'll find information on how to submit your news site and answers to some of the most common technical questions.
  • The next fastest way to get help is to post your question to the Help Group. This community of users, together with a Google Guide who posts periodically, enjoys helping each other figure out the best ways to use our product.
  • To report an issue with Google News visit the Report an Issue page. While we may not answer individual emails, please be assured that we'll investigate the issues you report.

    If you’re a news provider, and you need to contact our support team about your site, visit our Publisher contact form.

  • Have a great idea or suggestion? Let us know! We enthusiastically read and tally all your suggestions. While we don't respond to these comments, we use them to help develop the product.
Tell us how we're doing: Please answer a few questions about your experience to help us improve our Help Center.