Monetary policy in Sweden

Picture on the document Monetary policy in Sweden

At its meeting on 8 February 2007, the Executive Board of the Riksbank decided to update the document "Monetary policy in Sweden", which describes the Riksbank's monetary policy aims and strategy. The reason was that the Riksbank has changed over to making forecasts of economic developments in Sweden on the basis of the path for the repo rate that the Executive Board considers at that point in time to e most appropriate.


The inflation target was formulated in 1993 and the strategy for monetary policy has since then evolved gradually in response to practical experiences in Sweden and other countries and to new findings in academic research.


The most important aim of the strategy is to explain how the Riksbank, when setting its interest rate, takes into consideration both developments in inflation and in the real economy.

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2/14/2007 Monetary policy in Sweden | PDF icon 425 Kb qty

LAST UPDATED 2/14/2007 
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