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The following OSI initiatives, listed alphabetically, support at least one program or organization active in education issues.

Education Support Program

The Education Support Program works to facilitate change in education and national policy development in Central and Eastern Europe, South East Europe, former Soviet Union and Mongolia. more

International Higher Education Support Program

The International Higher Education Support Program (HESP) promotes the advancement of higher education within the humanities and social sciences in Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Mongolia. more

Middle East & North Africa Initiative

OSI's Middle East & North Africa Initiative operates primarily as a grantmaking program on issues ranging from knowledge and information to women's rights. more

Roma Initiatives

OSI Roma Initiatives focus primarily on improving the social, political, and economic situation of Romani populations in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans region. more

Scholarship Programs

Scholarship Programs mobilize students and scholars by providing support for fellowships, scholarships, and related activities that empower individuals throughout the world to improve the social, political, and intellectual environments of their home communities. more

OSI Stories: Young Roma Activists Target Education
September 10, 2008
With OSI support, members of a new generation of Roma leaders are pressing European governments to meet their commitments to improve education. more

Equal Access to Quality Education for Roma, Vol. 2
December 2007
Part of a series of OSI monitoring reports, this volume includes a Europe-wide overview and individual country reports on Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Slovakia. more

Monitoring School Dropouts
June 2007
This OSI report offers first-hand information on the causes of chronic absence and dropping out from schools in Albania, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Mongolia, Slovakia, and Tajikistan. more

more publications

OSI Investment in After-School Programs Led to Dramatic Public Spending Increase, Study Finds
October 14, 2008
In the decade since OSI set out to help New York City institutionalize after-school programs as dependable resources for kids and families, every level of government has dramatically increased funding for daily, comprehensive after-school programs. more

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OSI-New York, OSI-Budapest, OSF-London, OSI-Paris and OSI-Brussels are separate organizations that operate independently
yet cooperate informally with each other. This website, a joint presentation, is intended to promote each organization’s interests.