
The Phone Message


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Although unable to believe she is really interested in him, George gets Carol to go out for a second date. However, after refusing her offer to come up for a late night cup of coffee, George is convinced he has blown any chance of seeing her again. Meanwhile, after Jerry discovers that his date, Donna, likes a television commercial he hates, he wonders if he should ever date her again.

Convinced by Elaine to give himself another chance, George calls Carol. However, leaving a message on her answering machine, George makes a fool of himself and fears he will never hear from Carol again. Meanwhile Donna refuses to go out with Jerry after learning he has been making fun of her and the commercial she likes.

When Carol doesn't return his calls, George loses his temper and leaves a series of mean spirited phone messages on her answering machine. However, after learning she has been out of town and wants to see him again, George enlists Jerry in an effort to switch the message tape on Carol's answering machine before she hears what he said. Although George and Jerry manage to intercept Carol at her apartment, after they make the switch Carol admits to having already heard the messages, thinking it was all a joke.

SEINFACTS SeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeld

This might have been the final Seinfeld episode to air. Its low ratings caused NBC to put the show on hiatus until its return almost two months later. The ratings at the start of season two were extremely disappointing and NBC pulled the series was from its Wednesday night at 9:30 timeslot after just four weeks.

It's revealed in this episode that George's father wears his sneakers in the pool. This would be mentioned again in the fifth season episode "The Puffy Shirt."

Another episode was originally set to be filmed during the week "The Phone Message" was made. Titled "The Bet", the episode involved Elaine buying a gun from a friend of Kramer's. A cast was chosen and the script was read, but the content was deemed unacceptable and a replacement script was hastily written.

Jerry's apartment number begins as 3A this season. It would change to 5A a few episodes later.

SEINSPEAK SeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeld


"Got her message, I'm dead. I'm a dead man. That's it. I'm dead, I'm a dead man. Dead man."


"What did you say? "


"I don't know what the hell I said. I gave her an ultimatum and there's nothing I can do. It's a machine. The little light is blinking right now: 'Come and listen to the idiot. Hey everybody, the idiot's on!"
