There are rules in this fight game

This sweet science is a throwback on ice

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By Fluto Shinzawa
/December 17, 2008
As P.J. Axelsson gathered the puck, took a stride along the wall, and lifted his head, the reedy left winger spotted a last-moment scare: all 228 pounds of 6-foot-5-inch Mike Commodore, one of Carolina's burliest defensemen, approaching Daytona-like speed directly at him.

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Fluto writes well
by pistolwhipped96 December 17, 3:28 AM
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Fighting has been an integral part of the game long before I bacame a fan in 1969. Consider that a stick being swung in anger (McSorley/Brashear or Wayne Maki/Ted Green) is much more dangerous than dropping sticks and gloves and having a go at the other guy. Hockey is a violent contact sport but unlike football, the play is continuous. There is no "cooling off" time while in the huddle between plays. Add to that the fact that only in hockey can you change personnel while play is going on. The only downtime is during the commercial breaks.

These guys have a code and most stick to it. The sorry performance of ott and avery on 11/1 was the exception to the rule.
by leviathan29 December 17, 5:43 AM
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I have all the respect in the world for guys like Thornton, who, like he said, makes a living of getting punched in the face. That's what makes hockey the ultimate team sport. Someone takes a cheap shot at you and your teammate is right there to stand up for you.
Thornton could go pointless all year and be -25, but he'd still be one of the most respected guys in the room for what he brings to the table
by Bruinsfan27 December 17, 6:46 AM
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Just another reason why hockey languishes in the fringes of obscurity in pro sports. I wonder how many people cared when the NHL strike happened a few years back, too bad they didn't stay on the bench.
by asdfvcxqwe December 17, 7:36 AM
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Well written. Thanks Fluto!
by polandbling December 17, 7:41 AM
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asdwipe (or whatever),

Go troll the Revolutions page if you want a pretty gentlmanly sport and leave hockey to the real men and women that can appreciate its intracies, speed, skill, and heart.
by PossumPete December 17, 7:43 AM
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Hey asdfvcxqwe, Just continue watching tennis, and candlepin bowling and enjoy. Hockey is obviously too manly for you.
by SSCape December 17, 7:48 AM
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Why are you reading hockey and commenting on it if it is so bad?
Why don't you stick to watching Rudi G land his double axel in his pink tights?
by bourqueman December 17, 7:57 AM
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"...leave hockey to the real men and women that can appreciate its intracies, speed, skill, and heart"


And that has what to do with sanctioned brawls?
by fsmith95112 December 17, 8:01 AM
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Isn't it ironic that a sport which condones and in many instances encourages violence cannot tolerate one of it's players making an off-color comment.
Whatever Sean Avery's past is his comment about his ex-girlfriends showed how hypocritical the sport is. Yes, fight your opponent on a hard slippery surface wearing sharp metal blades in front of thousands of cheering fans until one bleeds or becomes unconscious but say something off-color and get suspended 6 games. In Avery's case that wasn't enough for his own team and they ultimately released him. What a strange sense of sport and priorities.
by ckbike December 17, 8:02 AM
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It's no surprise hockey is a fringe pro sport, glorifying the wrong aspect and playing up the image of the goon. Too bad the NHL strike ended.
by asdfvcxqwe December 17, 8:08 AM
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In my opinion the so-called ''fighting'' in the NHL is what has made the sport the laughing stock of sports. To begin with, in the real world in a fight one has to demolish his adversary so that he will not be able to come back on you some day to do damage. In the NHL ''fight'' as soon as one gets a decided advantage on the other it is stopped. Why? Isn't the idea of a real fight is to pummel your opponent back into the stone age? The NHL and owners allow this phoney garbage to go on because it puts bozos in the seats which translates to $$$, period. ''Fighting'' in the NHL is phonier than the WWE which puts the entire game on this same level.
by larrywelk December 17, 8:10 AM
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Hey ckbike,
you've probably never played the sport so you shouldn't really be commenting on something you know NOTHING about!
Now back to the kitchen and make me some cookies!
by kmo25 December 17, 8:15 AM
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I left hockey after fights were frowned upon. Now that it's back, I'm back. I love it. Can't stand the wimpy Euro style except in international play.

Those who don't like, usually don't even like hockey, they just want to whine. Go away then.

Booo Hoooo!!
by BillyHags-1 December 17, 8:17 AM
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When I attended my first Bruins-Canadiens game at Boston Garden in 1958, the crowd booed and yelled "Play hockey!" when a fight broke out. They haven't played hockey since.
by Peter02575-1 December 17, 8:22 AM
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Hey Ckbike---the difference with the Sean Avery debacle is that he went after an innocent third party who had nothing to do with the sport. Fighting during the course of the game is an entirely different issue--it is done as part of the GAME, that's the point. At the end of it, everyone understands that it's just part of the action and they don't take it personally. The true mark of a sportsman is to be able to leave his quibbles on the field/ice/court. Avery is a scumbag b/c he made it personal and not about the game. Don't try to compare the two
by globereader9 December 17, 8:23 AM
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Go back to your sewing circles....
by HockeyRules December 17, 8:25 AM
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Having known several hockey players, they're not looking to fight for no reason (well, there are exceptions, but they exist in all walks of life). The fighting is a form of internal policing to prevent worse injuries, such as what happened to Patrice Bergeron last year. When someone commits a cheap hit or intentionally hurts someone they better be ready to fight because it's coming. These guys are skating at 30mph and carrying sticks. I'd rather they throw some punches than take it out at that speed or with the stick.
Plus let's be honest it is good entertainment, and eliminating the fighting would be step towards eliminating hockey. Look how popular college hockey is . . .
by icpshootyz December 17, 8:26 AM
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Not really concerned with what non-fans think. I am a lifelong fan, and fighting most certinaly has a place in the sport. If the non-fans don't like it, they can turn their attention to figure skating. Funny, though, you never see them turn their backs when a brawl breaks out in the other sports, in fact, they cheer wildly.
by rioman December 17, 8:28 AM
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It is part of the game, always has been. They tried tweaking the game a few years ago and it has almost killed the sport. The NHL needs to stop driving away their core fans...
by BK22Q December 17, 8:28 AM
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