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Are we ready for the analog-to-digital switch?

17 December 2008 @ 08:44 pm EST

According to new Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations, on February 17, 2009, all analog broadcast TV stations transmitting their signals through their air will be required to switch to digital transmissions.

Digital broadcasting will deliver a better picture and give viewers more channels while freeing up frequencies for use by emergency services, according to the federal government.

Those currently getting their television via cable or satellite dish will be unaffected. People who have newer television sets with digital tuners will be fine, too.

Anyone with an older TV set using rabbit ears or a rooftop antenna will have to get a digital converter box which retail for about for $60, and the government is providing coupons worth $40 toward their purchase. To get a coupon each home is allowed two go to www.dtv2009.gov or call 1-888-DTV-2009.

This article is copyrighted by International Business Times.

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