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Features: Comments by People in the News

Are you in the news? Post a comment!

What is "Comments by People in the News?"

Comments give people related to a news story the chance to directly respond to it. We think this feature gives readers greater depth and context to the news. Comments provide a unique insight because they come from individuals who are somehow involved in a story, but who may not have had the opportunity to share their full knowledge of the situation.

Comments vs. other types of content

Comments by People in the News are distinct from other types of content you might find on the Web:

  • Comments are not news articles. News articles are written by journalists. They often include quotes and statements, but all this information is usually edited to fit together in one cohesive article.
  • Comments are not blog posts. Comments in Google News always pertain to a particular story and are displayed alongside the rest of the story coverage. They're written by someone either involved in the story or affiliated with an organization mentioned in the story. On the other hand, anyone can write a blog about anything. Although the "blogosphere" plays an important role in online news, Google News will offer only comments written by a person who plays a key role in the story.
  • Comments are not press releases. Press releases are statements issued by individuals or organizations to multiple news outlets at the same time. Also, press releases often quote members of an organization, but are generally written by representatives on behalf of an organization. Comments by People in the News are exclusive to Google News, and are written specifically by the individuals who have been mentioned (or who are affiliated with an organization that was mentioned) in the news coverage of a story.

Comments appear with the relevant article or cluster. After clicking on the comment, you can read the complete, unedited viewpoint of individuals who are quoted or mentioned in that story.

Adding your comment to Comments by People in the News

I appear in the news. Why send you a comment?

Comments allow Google News users to find out the story behind a story, and to know exactly what the people in the news think about the stories they’re in.

We strive to make the full spectrum of views and information related to a story available to everyone. If you're part of a particular story, we believe your comment should be posted next to the articles in Google News that cover it.

Who can submit a comment?

Google only posts comments from participants in stories - people who are either mentioned in a story or are related to organizations in a story. If you've been mentioned in a story and would like to submit a comment to appear in Google News, please submit it here. (If you're looking to send us comments or feedback about using Google News, you should contact us here.)

After we’ve verified your identity, you’ll be allowed to post comments about stories that mention you in Google News. All comments are considered "on the record" statements.

To verify the identity of a commenter, we may contact the organization affiliated with the comment's author, reach out to local officials, or collaborate with journalists. While these are valid means for confirming identity, no method is foolproof. If you feel you've been wrongly attributed, please contact us and we’ll act quickly to resolve the issue.

Comment guidelines

Comments are not reviewed by any editors. Google isn't going to change the content of comments, including misspellings or grammatical errors. However, Google won't post a comment in the following cases:

  • Your response isn't a comment. (See above description of "Comments vs. other types of content.")
  • Your comment is a previously published statement.
  • Your comment includes hate speech, calls to violence, or offensive language.

Please note that we won't post any personally identifiable information, such as address, phone number, or email address.

Formatting your comment

Although we'll try our best to maintain the formatting you originally used for your comment, we encourage you to follow these guidelines:

  • Use plain text with no formatting.
  • Don't send attachments (we're unable to process them).
  • Don't include images or videos.

We currently only accept comments via email or our submission form. If you'd like to comment through some other means, please let us know your preferences. We're always looking to improve this service and your feedback will help us do just that.

Lifetime of a comment

Your comment will be available in Google News for 30 days, and it will appear next to the story with which it is associated. After 30 days, you may also be able to find it in the Google News Archive Search. However, if a story to which a comment is attached is removed by a publisher, Google may also remove comments associated with that story.

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