Using media to support education

One hundred and three million children worldwide are not in school. Almost three quarters live in South and West Asia or sub-Saharan Africa, and more than half are girls. We use media - radio broadcasts, audio classroom materials, television programmes and print publications - to support education and teacher training. More about how we use media to support education
  • Afghan girl reading an AEP magazine

    Afghan Education Projects (AEP)

    The Afghan Education Projects (AEP) is the largest media-for-development initiative in Afghanistan. Run by Afghans for Afghans, it provides a wide range of programming for all ages.  Read more
  • Classes run by volunteer teachers

    Learning literacy and numeracy in Somalia

    We are working in partnership with the Africa Educational Trust and the BBC Somali Service to deliver weekly radio programmes and face-to-face tutorials to improve literacy and numeracy skills in Somalia.  Read more
  • Examining the importance of the role of primary teachers in Africa

    Teacher training - improving primary education in Africa

    We are working in partnership with the Open University, BBC African Productions and the BBC Swahili Service to broadcast programmes about the importance of teacher training in Africa as part of a larger initiative to improve primary school education.  Read more