For First-Years - Georgetown College

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For First-Years

Information for the Class of 2012

What's New?

  • Spring 2009 pre-registration information and instructions are now available...more...

  • First-years in Georgetown College should sign up in the ICC 303 Dean's Office for a four-year plan.
  • Students are invited to explore the College's rich curricular offerings and to see how a particular combination of majors, minors and certificates would fit with the courses they have completed so far. Log on to StudentAccess+, choose "Degree Audit" and "What If...."

Contact your First-Year Advisors

First-Year Resources

Shadow of a bike wheel on a sidewalk

See Georgetown from a different angle: ride, don't walk (Photo by Tyler Rogers, C'07)

Georgetown College108 White-Gravenor, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057 Phone: 202.687.4043Fax: 202.687.7290
Georgetown University Seal