State Symbols


Close-up of a willow ptarmigan, the state bird of Alaska by Carl Johnson.

Bird: Willow Ptarmigan (adopted by the Territorial Legislature, 1955)

Flag: Blue background with Big Dipper in seven gold stars, plus one additional star symbolizing Alaska (adopted by the Territorial Legislature, 1927)

Flower: Forget-me-not (adopted by the Territorial Legislature, 1917)

Fish: King Salmon (adopted by the Alaska Legislature, 1962)

Gemstone: Jade (adopted by the Alaska Legislature, 1968)

Mineral: Gold (adopted by the Alaska Legislature, 1968)

Mammal: Moose (adopted by the Alaska Legislature, 1998)

Marine Mammal: Bowhead whale (adopted by the Alaska Legislature, 1983)

Tree: Sitka Spruce (adopted by the Alaska Legislature, 1962)

Sport: Dog mushing (adopted by the Alaska Legislature, 1972)

Insect: Four-spot skimmer dragonfly (adopted by the Alaska Legislature, 1995)

Fossil: Woolly mammoth (adopted by the Alaska Legislature, 1986)



Alaska Conservation Foundation
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