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Google Checkout Buyer Help

Order Status


The seller is responsible for processing and shipping your order. For order status information:

Package Tracking

Some sellers provide package tracking information. To track your order, click Track [Carrier] package on the Order Receipt page in your Google Checkout account. If tracking information isn't available, contact the seller for details.

Tracking information varies by carrier. Some only provide confirmation of shipment, while others provide detailed updates, estimated delivery dates, or geographic locations. Shipping carriers may provide on their website additional details about their delivery process: USPS, UPS, DHL, FedEx, Royal Mail.

Order Problems & Mediation

Sellers are responsible for charging, canceling, refunding, and shipping orders; you'll receive quicker assistance if you first contact the seller directly. If the seller has been unresponsive to your request for at least two business days, and you placed your order within the last 90 days, Google can mediate by contacting the seller on your behalf. File a claim with our specialists for mediation.

Digital Content

When you purchase digital goods, instructions for accessing your purchase will appear in a yellow box at the top of your Order Receipt page. Sellers may email you download instructions or provide a download link / license key on your Order Receipt page. Contact the seller for specifics.

Learn how to track your order and contact the seller by watching the video below.

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