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The Force Is With Them

George Lucas studied world religions before creating the Star Wars universe. Now real Jedi are studying Star Wars in their quest for religion.

Basic Teachings

Catherine's Alternative Religions Blog

Giving Satanism a Bad Name

Tuesday January 13, 2009

The lawyers of Lawrence Douglas Harris Sr., on trial for murdering both of his young stepdaughters, are trying to get references to The Satanic Bible banned during trial. Personally, I think the Church of Satan should be requesting the same thing.

According to this article, prosecutors are suggesting that Harris was working a ritual out of The Satanic Bible when he killed the girls. If that is the case, prosecutors have clearly never actually read the book.

LaVeyan Satanists treasure children because they aren't yet burdened down with the constraints of society. Satanists are against ever harming children: statement #9 of the Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth is "Do not harm little children."

And while The Satanic Bible does speak of destroying one's enemies "by proxy" (as prosecutors claim), the context clearly states that the proxy is an object representing the target, which will effectively function like a Voodoo doll. Murdering children to destroy their mother by proxy is a completely nonsensical idea in Satanism, not to mention repulsive.

Harris is not being harmed by being associated with Satanists; Satanists are being harmed by association with Harris.

Symbols of the Baha'i Faith

Tuesday January 13, 2009
nine-pointed  starDeveloping in 19th century Iran, the Baha'i Faith shares many characteristics with Islam, which has been the dominant religion there for centuries. Geometric shapes and calligraphy form the symbols commonly associated with the Baha'i Faith, just as it does in wider Islamic culture (many Muslims find it disrespectful to depict any naturally occurring creation in their artwork, as it is a poor imitation of Allah's original work).

Quick Reference Chart

Monday January 12, 2009
There is a new essential called the quick reference chart. This offers some quick statistics about religions discussed on the Alternative Religion Guide Site, as well as links to their summary pages.

Scientology Funerals

Tuesday January 6, 2009
Like it or not, death eventually comes for all of us, and there are few if any religions who do not have something to say on the nature of death and how the living should react to it. For Scientologists, who believe in automatic reincarnation, their funerals are generally simple affairs tailored to the desires of the deceased and his family.


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