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How to Pick a Soap to Wash Your Face

What's the most important guideline for choosing a soap to wash your face? With all the options out there, it's easy to get confused about something that seems so simple. Cut through all the hype and learn about choosing a facial cleanser.

More About Washing Your Face

Dermatology Blog with Heather Brannon, MD

The Link Between Psoriasis and Leptin

Monday January 12, 2009
Leptin is a hormone that was discovered in 1994. It has been linked to higher levels of inflammation in the body that may increase the risk of developing heart attacks, Type 2 Diabetes, and osteoarthritis. It is also elevated in obese people.

A recent study showed that people with psoriasis have higher levels of leptin than people without psoriasis. They showed that the chronic inflammation associated with psoriasis is linked to metabolic disturbances like metabolic syndrome and coronary artery disease.

The good news is weight loss can decrease leptin levels in the bloodstream. One day soon we may see weight loss in the guidelines for treating psoriasis.

All About Chicken Pox

Friday January 2, 2009
Chicken pox is a common, usually self-limited, infection caused by the varicella virus. Learn more about the varicella virus, what the chicken pox rash looks like, and how chicken pox is diagnosed.

Eczema Video

Monday December 22, 2008
Winter is the season for eczema, a red, itchy rash that plagues millions of children and adults.

What causes eczema? What's going on in your skin that makes you so miserable?

Now you can see what's happening to your skin in this video about eczema.

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Skin Cancer

Immunizing Children Is Not Associated With Increased Allergies

Wednesday December 10, 2008
Many children have allergic diseases like atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis. Parents of children who have or are at a higher risk of getting these allergic diseases sometimes worry about whether the usual childhood immunizations could make allergies worse or cause their child to get allergies.

In a recent study published in the journal Allergy researchers studied the effect of immunizations in 2184 infants between 1 and 2 years old. They found that none of the immunizations caused allergies or made atopic dermatitis any worse in children who already had it.

In addition, the researchers found that children immunized with the varicella and pertussis vaccines actually had less severe atopic dermatitis.

This study should reassure parents of children with allergies or at risk of developing allergies that early childhood immunizations will not make allergies worse or cause their child to develop allergies.


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