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Mothers and Daughters Celebrate Rite of Passage

In a healthy relationship, mothers and daughters both will anticipate a girl's menarche. It is generally the mother's role to prepare for her daughter's future menarche by educating her about her body.

Spiritual Parenting

Phylameana's Holistic Healing Blog

Spinning Chakras

Wednesday January 14, 2009
In My Mailbox Today...

A blog commenter asks "Do you know which way the chakras spin for health and balance? "

The short answer is "clockwise." Imagine a wall clock hanging on your chest to visualize if the spinning is clockwise or counter-clockwise. However, the direction of the spin does not tell the whole story. If your chakras are not spinning clockwise, then your health and well-being will not in optimum balance. But, even when a chakra is spinning clockwise, the movement of the spin (too slow, too fast, too outreaching, lopsided, oval spin rather than circular, etc.) can indicate problems. I was trained how to measure chakras by a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School. I will measure the spinning energies of individual chakras through intention while using a wooden pendulum attached to a string or by scanning the chakra with the palm of my hand.

I have experimented with my own chakras by visualizing each of my chakras slowing down and then mentally prompting them to spin out in reverse (counter-clockwise) one by one. My intent for the reverse spin action is to rid my human energy field of any lingering stagnant energies I had mistakenly magnetized and clung on to. Kind of like tricking unwelcome guests to leave your home by insulting them. The process is quite interesting.

Aligning Your Chakras

Wordless Wednesday - Chipmunk Visits

Wednesday January 14, 2009

Holistic Healing Wordless Wednesday Photo Archives

More Wordless Wednesday photos at About.com and the Wordless Wednesday Home Blog

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photo of chipmunk (c) Joe Desy

Memoir of an Offbeat Upbringing

Monday January 12, 2009
Just before the holidays I read Philip Smith's memoir Walking Through Walls. Today, I found time to give the book another quick browsing and now have my review of Walking Through Walls written. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Philip's book and imagine that anyone interested in metaphysics, natural healing, and spirituality will too.

There were plenty of reasons for me to relate to Philip's delightful and funny book. For one, Philip and I are from the same generation but there are also differences. He had a childhood that I could only fantasize about when I was a teenager. His parents were certainly odd, but definitely "hip" compared to mine (sorry Mom and Dad if you are reading this, but it is true that you guys were not "hip"). Philip grew up in Florida and hung out in Caribbean bars and socialite parties his mother hosted where many of the guests were often gays. I grew up in a Bible-belt region of the Midwest. My social activities centered around pot-luck dinners at the Methodist church. My parents were all about frugal living, family togetherness, and Christian ethics. My mother was a homemaker and my dad worked as a butcher at the supermarket. Whereas, Philip's parents were in the fashion scene, his dad was a prominent decorator dubbed the "King of Beads" in Miami for goodness sakes.

Philip's father was thoroughly entrenched in subjects about spirituality and metaphysics. Oh my gosh, I spent as much time as I could in the "occult" section at the library when I was in high school. I would read everything I could get my hands on about astrology, akashic records, reincarnation, mediumship, etc. What I wouldn't have given for a dad like Lew Smith at that time.

I believe that children "choose their parents" (see pre-birth contracts) so I'm not complaining. I love my parents. And, I must say, after reading Philip's memoir and the challenges he faced having eccentric parents I am so very grateful for the more rigid rules that my childhood experiences offered. I was a flighty and dreamy girl that obviously needed some normalcy tethers to ground her energies.

Anyway... obviously, I liked the book! It was enjoyable for me to get a few glimpses into a world that I could only dream about so very long ago.

Walking Through Walls book cover courtesy of FSB Associates

Carnival of Healing#171 - Positive Perspectives

Saturday January 10, 2009
This week's Carnival of Healing can be found at Positive Perspectives. Pearl is a frequent host. She knows the drill and has sifted through the mass of submissions eliminating any that were not a good fit. Thanks Pearl! The carnival attractions that made the cut are a generous batch of healing links worth your visit. Enjoy!

Highlights from this Week's Edition of the Carnival

Stick with your New Year Resolutions, Eat Healthier, and Transform Yourself!

Attention Carnival Bloggers: Next week's edition has a theme "Authenticity" so please keep this in mind when you send in your submissions!

Visit the Carnival of Healing #171 to read all of this week's carnival attractions. Enjoy!

What is the Carnival of Healing?

The Carnival of Healing is a weekly round-up of blogs across the Internet featuring information about healing, self empowerment, and spirituality.

Volunteer to Host the Carnival on Your Blog

Yes, hosting takes some effort sorting through the various submissions and posting the carnival, but all my hosts have told me that the benefits are worth it. Hosting the carnival brings traffic to your blog, you have the opportunity to meet new friends, and you'll learn a lot when reviewing all the submissions.

I am currently seeking carnival hosts for March 28 and April 4, 11, 18, and 25.
Volunteer to Host Now

Note: Carnival of Healing Editions are always posted on Saturdays. I realize that weekends are busy for many people and that getting to a computer is not always easy on Saturday. If you don't want to miss a carnival you can subscribe to my Holistic Healing Weekly Newsletter that is delivered to your email box on Tuesday mornings. A link is always provided to the current carnival edition.

Looking Back: Last week the carnival was hosted by Steve Beisheim at How I Healed.
Looking Forward: Next edition of the carnival (January 17) will be a hosted by Evan Hadkins at Wellbeing and Health Blog.

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Carnival Archives
Santa hat image: photos.com


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