Boston Current Conditions

Cloudy54°F at Logan Airport
as of 5:55 AM
50° F RealFeel tempexplain
8 mp/h Wind speed
NNE Wind direction
89% Relative humidity
30.20 in Barometric pressure
9 miles Visibility
4 of 10 Tanning indexexplain

Weather Forecast

Today...Mostly cloudy this morning...then becoming mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. East winds 5 to 10 mph.

Tonight...Clear. Lows in the upper 40s. Southeast winds 5 to 10 mph...becoming west after midnight.

Wednesday...Sunny. Highs in the lower 70s. South winds 10 to 15 mph.

National Weather Service forecast for Boston and Suffolk County. Last updated: 5:55 AM
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five-day forecast

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Mostly Cloudy Intermittent Clouds Mostly Sunny Intermittent Clouds Intermittent Clouds
Mostly Cloudy Intermittent Clouds Mostly Sunny Intermittent Clouds Intermittent Clouds
64° | 51° 64° | 50° 69° | 54° 72° | 58° 71° | 60°

Boston weather almanac

Jun. 16 in weather history
96° (1891) Highest high temperature
54° (1903) Lowest high temperature
48° (1965) Lowest low temperature
76° (1957) Highest low temperature
2.37 (1931) Most precipitation
0 Greatest snowfall
June in weather history
76.3° Average high for month
59.1° Average low for month
3.1 Average monthly precip
6.6 Average clear days
10.5 Average partly cloudy days
12.9 Average cloudy days

Marine Conditions

06:21 PM Next high tide
12:04 PM Next low tide
58 F° Surf temperature
3-5 Ft Wave heights
E at 9-18 knots Winds

Boston pollen report

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Upcoming phases of the moon

Jun. 16

Jun. 22

Jun. 29

Jul. 7

Jul. 15

sun and moon forecast

5:07 AM Sunrise
8:23 PM Sunset
12:45 PM Sun in transit explain
12:41 AM Moonrise
1:38 PM Moonset

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