The Boston Globe

City Weekly

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City Weekly, published on Sunday, covers the following cities and towns:
  • Boston
  • Brookline
  • Cambridge
  • Somerville
City Weekly
P.O. Box 55819
Boston, MA  02205-5819

Veronica Chao

Assistant editor
Stephen H. Morgan

Ric Kahn

Meghan Irons

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Attention: City Weekly Calendar
P.O. Box 55819
Boston, MA  00205-5819


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    Five mythsFive myths
    Let's puncture some lingering fables about Boston.
    Feline lifelineFeline lifeline
    Sometimes it takes a village - Bay Village - to save a cat.
    Weapons checkWeapons check
    Want a gun license? Where do you hang your holster?
    My word!My word!
    Some parts of Boston language never seem to go out of fashion.
    Take my pianoTake my piano
    In a city that once churned them out, more folks seek to turn them out.

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    Eat, pray, thrive

    Across Boston, restaurant owners who emigrated from Thailand, Vietnam, and India have brought the custom with them from their countries of origin. Some believe the altars will bring prosperity. Others see it as a superstition, but figure it can't hurt. (By S.I. Rosenbaum, Globe Correspondent)
    Somerville's snow-emergency alert gets a techno treatment (Globe Staff / Evan Richman)

    Snow alerts get a techno tuneup

    Cosmo Catalano (above) has a soft spot for winter, after creating a mashup version of Somerville’s official snow-emergency announcement. (By Danielle Dreilinger, Boston Globe)

    Dream for choice parcel
    bumps into wall at BRA

    Elma Lewis Partners LLC is not backing down, no matter what the city says. It's moving forward with plans to transform an empty plot of land - known as Parcel 3, across from the Boston Police Department headquarters on Tremont Street - into the new hub of the city's black community. (By Meghan Irons, Globe Staff)
    Globe Watch

    Broken meter? How
    rare, says City Hall

    If parking meters are broken, why should drivers pay the price? That's the question tipster Peter Wilson of Cambridge raises over what he sees as the city's mismanagement of malfunctioning street meters and its policy of allowing only one hour of free parking when meters are down, instead of the two-hour paid maximum. (By Christina Pazzanese, Boston Globe)