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Common issues: Clearing my drop-down search history

The search history that displays in the search box on Google News is stored by your browser, not by Google. To disable this search history, just follow the browser-specific instructions below.

Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE)

  1. Go to the Tools menu.
  2. Select Internet Options > Content.
  3. In the Personal information section, select AutoComplete.
  4. Click Clear Forms. (You can also deselect the Forms box in this window to keep this info from being stored in the future).
  5. Click OK to exit.

Microsoft Network (MSN)

If you're using the MSN, changes made in IE will take effect in your MSN browser, too. After making changes in IE, you'll need to sign out and back in to MSN for the changes to take effect.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Go to the Tools menu.
  2. Select Options > Privacy > Saved For Information.
  3. Click Clear and deselect the box.
  4. Click OK to exit.


  1. Go to the Safari menu and select Preferences.
  2. From the menus that pop up, select Autofill.
  3. Select the Edit button from the Other forms line.
  4. From the list of sites for which AutoFill is currently being applied, select > Remove > Done.
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