Carmakers converge on Shanghai show - 20 Apr 09

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Uploaded by on Apr 20, 2009

International carmakers have gathered in China's commercial capital for the Shanghai Auto Show.

Manufacturers from around the world are launching 13 new models in the increasingly high-profile motor show, with virtually every major brand keen to impress in one of the world's few growing car markets.

Melissa Chan reports from Shanghai.


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  • like i say, people who buy products due to "patriotic reason" aren't the brightest. the corporations only care about numero uno ( themselves).

  • GM is going to sell out..... just watch....

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  • Because most GM cars built in China are based on design from GM's European subsidy Opel and some from Daewoo. Ford is the same too.That's why most cars parts for GM, Ford imported from Europe and assembled with local parts into a GM or Ford cars. Chrysler is rare example of failure of US car company because it hasn't really focused on Chinese market, even intend to cease 20 yrs' production in Beijing plant with Daimler. And don't forget Honda, Toyota and VW sell well in China as well

  • babeebee... China may achieve economic power, but will never be recieved globally as a great nation in the sense of it's government power. All of China's cutting edge technology is stolen, the abuse of basic human rights is truly horrific. China is already a great nation, and has contributed much to civilization and culture. China's value is in her people, the culture and the beauty of the nation. But exploiting the Falun Gong for spare parts on the organ transplant black market, DISGRACEFUL!

  • sad to say amerian cars sux.

    wonder why chinese is interested in american brands?

    nice pretty models ...

  • "china's one child policy is the best thing to happen".

    you are another one of those green population control nutjobs.

    we don't have a population problem, we have a wastage problem. 5 percent of the world's population produces most of the waste. we have a banker problem, speculator problem that increase price of grains for their own profit.

    china has the highest capital punishment numbers and sell prisoner organs and you're defending china?

  • wow, you realized most junk americans buy is chinese made? good for you. how much of it do you reckon is quality? my crap laptop with obnoxious speakers is a lenovo and i vow, never another lenovo again.

    tell me, how many chinese products can be compared to japanese or korean be it home appliances or vehicles?

  • Boycott GM. Let it burn. Americans are not buying that crap, why should Chinese be stupid and buy it.

  • Detroit got shanghaied by Shanghai.

  • A rising middle class wants a powerful car, so don't be surprised when Hummers start plowing the streets of Beijing.


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