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News (publishers) Help

Additional Tips: Article titles

Google News displays titles from articles currently included in our index. If your articles are included in our index but your article titles aren't appearing correctly, please follow these suggestions:

  • Label your headlines with a clear news title.
  • Ensure that your article titles include at least ten characters.
  • Ensure that your article titles are not too long or too short. Currently, the title is required to be between 2 and 22 words.
  • Don't include a date or time in your article titles.
  • Make sure to include the title of your articles in both the html <title> tag, and in a prominent place in the article body such as an <h1> tag.
  • Avoid using a substring of the title of your article as a link to your article page.
  • To make sure your articles display properly on mobile devices, don't include a leading number (which sometimes corresponds to an access key) in the anchor text of the title.

Keep in mind that while we can't guarantee that we'll be able to crawl your site's articles or include all your articles, the suggestions above should increase the likelihood that our crawler will extract the correct headlines.

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