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 What is Faculty of 1000 Biology?

I visited the web site, and got immediately excited. This is just what we need.
Tony Pawson
The Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Ontario

Faculty of 1000 Biology is the next generation literature awareness tool. It is a revolutionary online research service that comprehensively and systematically highlights and reviews the most interesting papers published in the biological sciences, based on the recommendations of a faculty of well over 2300 selected leading researchers ("Faculty Members").

Faculty of 1000 Biology is run by scientists for scientists and provides a rapidly updated consensus map of the important papers and trends across biology.

Faculty of 1000 Biology:

  • Provides scientists with a continuously updated insider's guide to the most important papers within any given field of research
  • Highlights papers on the basis of their scientific merit rather than the journal in which they appear
  • Offers the researcher a consensus of recommendations from well over 2300 leading scientists
  • Systematically organizes and evaluates the mass of information within scientific literature
  • Offers an immediate rating of individual papers by the authors' peers, and an important complement to the indirect assessment provided by the journal impact factor.

You can get a flavour of Faculty of 1000 Biology by Taking a tour of the site and looking at our Key Features.

With recommendations from such a large group of leading, international group of researchers, Faculty of 1000 Biology is a must for all those working within the life sciences.

Faculty of 1000 Biology ISSN 1740-4118

The mass of literature is overwhelming, and a systematic tool that organizes and evaluates it authoritatively like this is just what we need
Stan Falkow
Stanford University, California



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