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Features: Search result filters and display options


In a nutshell

Use options on the search results page filter and narrow your results.

  • Click Show options in the blue bar (located at the top of the search results page) to see the available filters and views you can apply to your search results. Click Hide options to remove the options panel from view.
  • If you forget what options are applied to your results, look at the list of links in the blue bar.
  • To go back to standard unfiltered Google results, click Reset options at the bottom of the panel.

Have questions or feedback about search result options? Let us know in the Web Search Help Forum.

Google shows you relevant results based on the words you enter in the search box. But what if you're looking for a specific type of results, like restaurant reviews updated within the last 24 hours? Instead of painstakingly spelling out the conditions you'd like to use, use options on the search results page to slice and dice your results. These options let you do the following:

  • Filter results according to their type, such as videos, forums, and reviews
  • Filter results according to when they were created or last updated
  • Alter how your results are displayed

Watch a video overview of search result options

To see all the available options, click the Show options link in the blue bar, just underneath the Google logo at the top of the search results page.

show options link

The options panel will appear on the left. To apply an option to the results you're viewing, just click its link. The search results on the right automatically adjust according to your selected option(s).

Combine options together

Options are grouped by their type and you can combine individual options from each group to build more complex filters. For example, if you're looking for pictures of the Niagara Falls from the past week, search for [ Niagara Falls ], then click Images from the page and Past week.

Refer to the blue bar at any time to recall what filters have been applied and in what order. Furthermore, use those links in the blue bar to remove options, one by one or all at once. For instance, in the [ Niagara Falls ] example, click Images from the page to go back to the set of results shown before the Past week option was added.

link path

Click 'Reset options' to turn off options

Want to start over? Click Web in the blue bar or Reset options at the bottom of the options panel to remove all the applied options at once. (The Reset options link only appears after you've used one or more options.)

If you simply want to hide the options panel from view, click Hide options in the blue bar. Remember -- your results may still be filtered, even if the options panel is hidden. Applied options remain in effect even if you start a new search.

How individual options work

Options are grouped by their type. Use the links below to learn more about any of the options:

The first group of links in the option panel filters results by their type (click All results at any time to get back to unfiltered results):


As the name implies, this option shows you only video results. You can then further sort these videos based on their attributes, such as length or date.


See what people are saying in discussion groups. For each result, you can see, among other details, how many people have contributed to the discussion and when the last reply was posted.


See results from sites that specialize in posting reviews. Where possible, the result will display quotes that reflect the sentiment in the review.

The second group of links takes into account when results were last updated to sort them (click Any time to undo this sorting):

Recent results

Sometimes the top results that show up are a little dated, although they're still relevant. The Recent results option shows you results that are both relevant and fresh. Google automatically optimizes the time period used for your filter to make sure that the most relevant and recent results are included. (This option is only available when All results is selected in the first group of options.)

Past 24 hours / Past week / Past year

Use these options if you want to find web pages from a specific period of time. For instance, the Past 24 hours option will help you find information about current events.

Last but not least, the third and fourth groups of links let you change the way results are displayed.

The default Standard results and Standard view options show you regular Google results, where each result is composed of the page title and a few lines of text (also known as the "snippet").

Images from the page

See image thumbnails from the page alongside the snippet for each result. They can help you quickly identify whether the page is relevant to your search term. For example, if you see an image of a furry little critter when you search for [ mouse ], you can probably deduce that the page isn't talking about computer equipment.

More text

Snippets give you a preview of how words from your search term are used within each result. Click this option to get longer snippets, which will let you see more examples of your search term for each result. Longer snippets can also be useful if you have a lengthier search phrase.

Related searches / Wonder wheel

If you're ever unsure about the precise terms you should use for your search, start out with a broader search term (e.g. [ principles of physics ]), then use the Related searches and Wonder wheel options to discover alternative search terms.

  • The Related searches option puts -- you guessed it -- related searches at the top of the results page. They'll stay there, even as you scroll up and down, so you can easily compare and contrast results for different related searches.
  • The Wonder wheel visually presents connections between related searches and your search term as an interactive diagram. Click the different nodes in the diagram to see how searches can branch out.


See results along a timeline, which is a handy view if you're researching information about a historical person or event.

You can click any section in the timeline to zoom in on that time period. Want to change the time range? Click Search other dates above the timeline to enter new start and end dates. Alternatively, click the date links below the timeline to see results that mention that particular year, month, or day.

We hope these options help you explore and interact with your search results in useful ways. As we develop new ways to help you search, keep an eye out for new additions to the options panel. (At the same time, don't be too surprised if some options disappear without notice.)

Have questions or feedback about search result options? Let us know in the Web Search Help Forum.

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