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Webmasters/Site owners Help

About our stats and data


In a nutshell

The data displayed in Webmaster Tools may differ from the data displayed in other tools, such as Google Analytics. Possible reasons for this include:

  • We may not have crawled your site since the changes were last made.
  • Webmaster Tools does some additional data processing - for example, to eliminate duplicates and visits from robots - that may cause your stats to differ from stats listed in other sources.
  • Some tools, such as Google Analytics, track traffic only from users who have enabled JavaScript in their browser.

We're always working to increase the update frequency for your verified sites' data, such as crawl, index, and search query stats. Much of this data depends on the content of your site, and is a close approximation of the status of your site. Our internal systems are always changing, and the web itself is an ever-shifting ecosystem. In addition, there may be a lag between when the numbers are calculated and when they are visible to webmasters - although data gets published in intervals, we are continually collecting it. If your content doesn't change very often, or if you're not getting new links to your site, you may not see updates to your data every time you sign in to Webmaster Tools.

Webmaster Tools provides data based on site visits and links to your pages. You need to get the word out about your web site to get more people visiting and naturally linking to it - that is, of course, after you've built a web site that people will want to visit and link to. The more links to your site on the web, the more likely it is that Googlebot will stop by for a visit. Once Google starts crawling your site more often, you'll notice that Webmaster Tools will begin to show more detailed data, and that this data is updated more often.

updated 5/12/2009

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