Creative Commons GNU GPL

The CC-GNU GPL adds the Creative Commons' metadata and Commons Deed to the Free Software Foundation's GNU General Public License. The license is the official FSF GPL, and includes a Portuguese translation.

To signal to others that you are using a Creative Commons license, you can use a Creative Commons logo, which links to the CC-GNU GPL. The result will look like this:

This software is licensed under the CC-GNU GPL version 2.0 or later.

Commons Deed
Legal Code
Digital Code

Here's how the CC-GNU GPL works: A user clicking on the Creative Commons icon gets the CC-GNU GPL "Commons Deed" — a human readable version of the license. From that she can link to "Legal Code" — the full text of the GNU GPL, in English and Portuguese. And hidden in the tag is "Machine-Readable Code" — metadata — that will enable others to find your software.

Mark Software

Read the FSF's instructions for including the license with your software.

You can display the icon on any site you offer your software for download using the following markup:

[Get HTML and email it to yourself]


For more information about the Free Software Foundation, visit their web page.