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Nov 8, 1923 - On November 8, 1923, Hitler and his storm troops surrounded a meeting of government officials in a beer hall in Munich. He threatened to kill them unless they swore loyalty to his "revolution." But as soon as they were freed, they turned on Hitler and had him ...

Mar 27, 1933 - Hitler's announcement of "retaliatory measures" against the Jews In Germany be cause of the "foreign propaganda" that there has been persecution of Jews shows up Hitler. His real answer to such reports would have been decent treatment of the Jews, as of . every other class of the ...
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Jul 27, 1934 - He was with Hitler, the man he now opposes, in the famed Munich "beer putsch" in 1923 During the ensuing decade— up to the very day he took the reins of government from the hands of little Chancellor Dollfuss — his career was inextricably interlaced with that of Hitler. ...
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Mar 14, 1936 - Among those who have read the text of Herr Hitler's speech to the Reichstag, opinions as to its real portent differ. Some regard it as a trumpet blast of Mars, summoning the nations to another general slaughter. Others find very little of an alarming nature in the en tire effort. ...
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Sep 27, 1938 - demands snowed a ''brutal de sire to crush Czechoslovakia as a free state." broadcast was made at about the same time as the Czechoslovak legation in London disclosed officially that Prague refused to submit to Germany's demands for cession of Sudetenland as stated in Hitler's Hitler ...
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Sep 20, 1939 - London, England — A few hours after Adolf Hitler spoke at Danzig Tuesday, tho British government is sued a 3000 word statement In re . Excerpts from Hitler's speech and from the British reply follow: . Hitler: see that In England and Franco this collaboration of Ger . many and Russia ...
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Jul 20, 1940 - British empire to seek peace or face destruction was accompanied by assurances to the German people that Germany's "food supplies arc assured however long . This reference to a possibly lengthy war is the first Hitler has . made. Hitherto German predictions have been based on a quick ...
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Jun 23, 1941 - is the latest nation to find that it a mistake to clasp hands with Hitler, It . than two years since Hitler's Germany «nd Stalin's Russia signed their 10 year non- . then for Stalin to plan in cold blood the . tic states, part of Poland and part of . "declared the Russian sphere. ...
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Nov 12, 1944 - of Adolf Hitler has deluged London with reports that le is dead, seriously ill or suffering nervous disorders. The latest rumor, from Zurich, said Hitler had undergone a throat operation at the hands of an Austrian surgeon. This report, how ever, came from German sources, ...
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Jan 31, 1945 - London, England — Adolf Hitler, broadcasting from his headquarters on the twelfth of his accession to power, told the German people Tuesday night that he ex pected them to die in their tracks, or fighting for preservation of national socialism. Although earlier the microphone had been ...
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