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Adverts seen in the UK

The BBC puts advertising on its website for users outside the UK. We use the income to help fund public services and keep the license fee lower than it otherwise would be.

We try to make sure that the advertising is only visible to people outside the UK, but if you're viewing the website from within the UK and you can see advertising, please use this form to let us know.

Please do not use this form to tell us that you're in the UK and are seeing a different version of the BBC Online homepage (without ads) displaying more international stories and less UK based news. You're seeing the International homepage of the BBC's website and this is due to the way certain internet service providers connect to the web. We apologise for this and are working with internet service providers to rectify it for you as soon as possible. More information is available here.

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When you supply personal details we and our service providers will use the information you give us to respond to your query or comments, to improve our services and for statistical analysis. Your information will not be passed on to any third party.

For full details of what we do with the personal information we collect about you, please see our Privacy and Cookies Policy.

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