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St Paul, the New Atheists and District 9

On this week's Everyday Ethics podcast, we investigate the man some people say invented Christianity,...



Being the intrepid bollywood explorers that we are we risked the dangerous of long distance...

Jeff Zycinski's blog (Radio Scotland)

So This Is What Happiness Looks Like

They're teaching schoolkids about mind-maps these days. My 12 year old son came home...

Blog Vaughan Roderick


Gan fy mod wedi bod yn brysur yn Llandudno eich awgrymiadau chi sy'n llenwi sgrin...


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Blog Vaughan Roderick

Y Mab Darogan

Ychydig iawn o wleidyddion Cymru sy'n gallu denu newyddiadurwyr gwleidyddol i neuadd cynhadledd er mwyn...

Betsan's Blog

Adam Rant

I've no idea whether either Nick Bourne or David Melding tune in to Conference Live....

Blog Vaughan Roderick

Syr Wmffra a Moron

Rwy'n becso weithiau y bydd pobol yn meddwl bod gen i obsesiwn ynghylch cyfieithu'r cofnod!...

Betsan's Blog

Lord, Hear our prayer?

What's Plaid's position on the row about whether the bilingual record of proceedings in the...

Will & Testament

Darwin on Newsnight

You still have time to watch this week's Newsnight Review special, which explores the cultural...

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