Exchange rates in Sweden 1534-1834

By Rodney Edvinsson  


In 1534, the first daler coins were strucked in Sweden, later called riksdaler. The fine silver content of the riksdaler coin was stable (with only minor adjustments) throughout the period 1534-1873 when it was in use. The exchange rate of the riksdaler is presented in mark silver coins for the period 1534-1624 and in mark kopparmynt for 1624-1776.

In 1624, a copper standard was introduced, and was abolished first in 1776. However, the silver standard continued to exist in parallel with the copper standard. In 1624-1776 the monetary system could be described, at least for most of the period, as a multi-currency system with a floating exchange rate between the circulating domestic currencies. At least five currency units were used during most of the period, three based on silver, one based on copper and one based on gold. Carolins, öre courant and riksdaler were based on silver. Initially the daler kopparmynt was a unit for copper coins, and daler silvermynt for silver coins. However, later copper coins and copper plates were expressed both in daler kopparmynt and in daler silvermynt, which rather came to be units of account. 1 daler silvermynt was equal to 2 daler silvermynt in 1633-1643, 2.5 daler silvermynt in 1643-1665 and 3 daler silvermynt in 1665-1776. For the period 1624-1776, the exchange rate of daler carolin is presented in daler kopparmynt and the exchange rate of öre courant in öre kopparmynt. For the same period, the exchange rate of the riksdaler is presented in marks kopparmynt and in daler kopparmynt. Finally, the ducat, minted in gold, was also used as a currency unit. The exchange rate of the ducat is presented in mark kopparmynt and riksdaler specie for the period 1652-1776. A fiat standard was in place in 1716-1719, and the unit daler silvermynt linked to the coin tokens. In 1745-1776 the monetary system could be described as a paper standard, and the units of daler kopparmynt and silvermynt followed the bank notes.

In 1776 a sole silver standard was introduced, and the riksdaler became the main currency unit. This monetary uniformity only lasted to 1789. Riksgäldskontoret started to issue the riksgälds notes in 1789, which fell in value relative to the riksdaler banco that continued to be convertible into silver coins (riksdaler specie) by the Riksbank. In 1803 the relation 1 riksdaler riksgälds = 2/3 riksdaler banco was fixed. However, in 1809 the riksdaler banco became inconvertible and fell in value relative to the riksdaler specie. In 1834, it was fixed that 1 riksdaler specie = 2 ⅔ riksdaler banco = 4 riksdaler riksgälds. In 1855-1873 the riksdaler riksmynt became the main currency unit, set equal to 1 riksdaler riksgälds. Finally, in 1873 Sweden went over to the gold standard, and the krona replaced the riksdaler riksmynt as the main currency unit.

Quite detailed and reliable sources exist for the foreign exchange for 1660-1685 and from 1740 onwards. Annual exchange rates on Hamburg (taler banco), Amsterdam (rijksdaalder courant), London (pound) and Paris (Livres Tournois) are presented in mark kopparmynt for 1658-1776, and in skillings banco for 1777-1834. Since direct data is missing for some years, cross rates are used to fill in the gaps.


List of variables and their definitions:

Variable Period Time frame Explanation
Riksdaler in marks 1534-1776 Annual 1 riksdaler (called daler up to the 1570s, slagen daler up to early 18th century and riksdaler from late 16th century) in marks 1534-1624 (in 1576 and 1593 both in inflation and new proper coins) and in marks kopparmynt 1624-1776. Annual average. Market rate.
Riksdaler in marks kopparmynt 1640-1684
Monthly 1 riksdaler in mark kopparmynt. Monthly average. Market rate.
Riksdaler in daler kopparmynt 1705-1707
Weekly 1 riksdaler in dalers kopparmynt (=4 mark kopparmynt). Weekly average. Market rate.
Ducat in mark kopparmynt 1652-1776 Annual 1 ducat in marks kopparmynt. For years where data is missing (mainly before 1740) based on world gold-silver value ratio and the exchange rate of riksdaler specie. Annual average. Market rate.
Ducat in daler kopparmynt 1705-1707
Weekly 1 ducat in dalers kopparmynt (=4 mark kopparmynt). Weekly average. Market rate.
Daler carolin in daler kopparmynt 1624-1776 Annual 1 daler carolin (= 2 carolins = 4 marks in actual silver coins) in daler kopparmynt. For years where data is missing (mainly before 1740) interpolations based on the exchange rate of the riksdaler. Annual average. Market rate.
1 carolin in öre silvermynt 1670-1681
Monthly 1 carolin (2 marks in silver coins) in öre silvermynt. Monthly average. Market rate.
1 carolin in öre silvermynt 1734
Weekly 1 carolin (2 marks in silver coins) in öre silvermynt. Market rate. Weekly average. Market rate.
Öre courant in öre kopparmynt 1624-1776 Annual 1 öre courant in öre kopparmynt. Annual average. Market rate.
Öre courant in öre kopparmynt 1670-1681
Monthly 1 öre courant in öre kopparmynt. Monthly average. Market rate.
Öre courant in öre kopparmynt 1734
Weekly 1 öre courant in öre kopparmynt. Weekly average. Market rate.
Agio on banco notes 1789-1803 Monthly The market value of riksdaler banco notes in percent above the value of riksdaler riksgälds notes in the same denomination (in August 1803, the relation 1 riksdaler banco = 1.5 riksdaler riksgälds was fixed).
Exchange rate on Hamburg 1777-1803 Monthly 1 Hamburg reichstaler banco in skillings banco 1777-1803 and skillings riksgälds 1797-1803. Mid-month data. Estimated spot rates.
Exchange rate on Amsterdam 1660-1685
Monthly 1 Amsterdam rijksdaalder courant in mark kopparmynt 1660-1685, skillings banco 1777-1803 and skillings riksgälds 1797-1803. Monthly average 1660-1685 and mid-month data 1777-1803. Estimated spot rates.
Exchange rate on Hamburg 1658-1834 Annual 1 Hamburg reichstaler banco in marks kopparmynt up to 1776 (1716-1719 in proper coins) and in skillings banco from 1777. Annual average. Estimated spot rates.
Exchange rate on Amsterdam 1658-1834 Annual 1 Amsterdam rijksdaalder courant in marks kopparmynt up to 1776 (1716-1719 in proper coins) and in skillings banco from 1777. For years where data missing (1686-1702) based on cross rates through Hamburg. Annual average. Estimated spot rates.
Exchange  rate on London 1658-1834 Annual 1 London pound in dalers kopparmynt (=4 mark kopparmynt) up to 1776 (1716-1719 in proper coins) and in skillings banco from 1777. For years (mainly before 1740) where data missing based on cross rates through Hamburg. Annual average. Estimated spot rates.
Exchange rate on Paris 1658-1834 Annual 1 Paris livres tournois in marks kopparmynt up to 1776 (1716-1719 in proper coins) and in skillings banco from 1777. For years where data missing (mainly before 1740) based on cross rates through Hamburg. Annual average. Estimated spot rates.

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