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Language Policy Division

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Policy Guide and Studies : towards plurilingual education

Language Education Policy Profiles

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

- Relating language examinations to the CEFR
- Illustrations of levels of language proficiency
- Reference Level Descriptions for national or regional languages (RLD)

European Language Portfolio (ELP)


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Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) 

Developed through a process of scientific research and wide consultation, this document provides a practical tool for setting clear standards to be attained at successive stages of learning and for evaluating outcomes in an internationally comparable manner.

It is the result of extensive research and ongoing work on communicative objectives, as exemplified by the popular 'Threshold level' concept.
The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) provides a basis for the mutual recognition of language qualifications, thus facilitating educational and occupational mobility. It is increasingly used in the reform of national curricula and by international consortia for the comparison of language certificates. On this subject, also consult the following sections:

A European Union Council Resolution (November 2001) recommended the use of this Council of Europe instrument in setting up systems of validation of language competences.

The Committee of Minister of the Council of Europe addressed a Recommendation to the members states on the use of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the promotion of plurilingualism: CM/Rec(2008)7E.

The CEFR is a document which describes in a comprehensive manner i) the competences necessary for communication, ii) the related knowledge and skills and iii) the situations and domains of communication. The CEFR defines levels of attainment in different aspects of its descriptive scheme with illustrative descriptors scale. The illustrative descriptor scales, plus other descriptors related to the CEFR, are available in a Data bank of descriptors.

The CEFR is of particular interest to course designers, textbook writers, testers, teachers and teacher trainers - in fact to all who are directly involved in language teaching and testing.
It facilitates a clear definition of teaching and learning objectives and methods and provides the necessary tools for assessment of proficiency.

The CEFR has become a key reference document and valuable tool for educational and professional mobility. It is available in over 30 language versions.

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is published in English by Cambridge University Press - ISBN Hardback 0521803136 Paperback: 0521005310 -
The French version is published by Editions Didier: Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues: apprendre, enseigner, évaluer - ISBN: 227805075-3 -

INTERGOVERNMENTAL POLICY FORUM – 6-8 February 2007, Strasbourg

    “The Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR) and the development of language policies : challenges and responsibilities

Report of the Forum
Proposed Follow-up Activities and Documentsion (Conseil de l’Europe)réditation

Some language versions of the CEFR