Welcome to the Georgetown Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program: Gervase Programs: Learning to Lead

Gervase Programs Nameplate
Collaboration and presentation Georgetown Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program

Welcome to the Georgetown Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program


The Georgetown Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (GUROP) offers motivated students the opportunity to learn the discipline and experience the rewards of scholarly research by working with faculty on their research projects. Students spend a minimum of 60 hours per semester/summer working with a faculty mentor on that faculty member's research.

Faculty and students will find that the terms and conditions for GUROP participation have changed for the 2008-2009 academic year.

Remember to complete your GUROP evaluations

In order to receive your transcript notation, both student and faculty research team need to fill out and complete a program evaluation form.


Contact Us

Announcements for GUROP

Gervase Programs · Washington, DC 20057 · ph 202.687.0665
Georgetown University Seal