ECIAfrica is a unique South African economic development and management consulting firm providing technical expertise, world-class project management, and services that incorporate the latest in international best practice. A partly owned subsidiary of DAI, ECIAfrica has provided cutting-edge solutions to Africa's most difficult development challenges for the past 15 years. With scores of African experts working in its Johannesburg headquarters and on long-term projects in South Africa and the wider region, ECIAfrica provides solutions informed by a deep understanding of the political, social, and economic dynamics of the countries in which it works.

Launched in 1994 as a joint venture between DAI and South African development experts, ECIAfrica remains a strategic partner of DAI with deep corporate ties to the company, including overlapping history, personnel, and mission. ECIAfrica benefits from seamless cooperation with DAI and access to the company's global network of resources, technical expertise, and project management systems.

ECIAfrica's multisectoral approach to economic and management development consulting is founded on the principle that sustainable economic development requires public and private sectors to work together. Reflecting this approach, ECIAfrica's technical staff interact extensively across our two main operating divisions: 1) enterprise, finance, and agribusiness development; and 2) governance and public sector management.

Development finance and enterprise development, for example, overlap with agriculture, rural development, and public sector infrastructure and service delivery, while all sectors of the economy — public and private — are affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. ECIAfrica staff collaborate across their specialties to ensure a holistic approach to assignments ranging from research, project design and assessment, and policy development to market analysis, institutional capacity building, and product development. This flexibility allows the ECIAfrica team to develop tailored solutions that deliver tangible results for its clients.

ECIAfrica's ability to support highly skilled, independent consultants and projects from its office in South Africa provides a competitive edge in the development consulting arena. Senior ECIAfrica management can access projects in Africa in a matter of hours and at a fraction of the cost of delivering this level of service from another continent. Drawing on experts from academia, industry, government, and various professional disciplines, the company fields a rich network of industry- and sector-specific leaders who are committed to the development of southern and eastern Africa. Our record of delivering on that commitment through customised, focused, and cost-effective solutions makes ECIAfrica an attractive partner for clients with complex challenges and ambitious development goals.


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