Grassley Endorses "Death Panel" Rumor: "You Have Every Right To Fear"

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First Posted: 08-12-09 01:31 PM   |   Updated: 09-12-09 05:12 AM

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One of the three Republican senators working on a bipartisan health care bill perpetuated a particularly outrageous untruth about the legislation on Wednesday.

Appearing at a town hall in his home state of Iowa, Sen. Chuck Grassley told a crowd of more than 300 that they were correct to fear that the government would "pull the plug on grandma."

"There is some fear because in the House bill, there is counseling for end-of-life," Grassley said. "And from that standpoint, you have every right to fear. You shouldn't have counseling at the end of life. You ought to have counseling 20 years before you're going to die. You ought to plan these things out. And I don't have any problem with things like living wills. But they ought to be done within the family. We should not have a government program that determines if you're going to pull the plug on grandma."


In making his remarks, Grassley becomes the latest in a string of GOP lawmakers to jump on a myth about the health care legislation produced by the House of Representatives. The most infamous statement was made last week by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who declared that the President's health care plan would set up a "death panel" to determine whether or not to euthanize her son with Down Syndrome.

The Iowa Independent was the first to report Grassley's remarks. The Huffington Post was able to obtain audio from an attendee at the event.

On Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs hit back at Palin for her death panel remark, saying that the former governor had given out "information that I think many of you all pointed out was wrong." The House bill would require Medicare to cover voluntary consultations between individuals and their doctors about end of life care, including whether or not to write a living will. Several Republican lawmakers have endorsed the idea in past legislation.

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One of the three Republican senators working on a bipartisan health care bill perpetuated a particularly outrageous untruth about the legislation on Wednesday. Appearing at a town hall in his home st...
One of the three Republican senators working on a bipartisan health care bill perpetuated a particularly outrageous untruth about the legislation on Wednesday. Appearing at a town hall in his home st...
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photo laresistance
These people are certifiably insane! A few months ago, Republicans were wanting to end Medicare and Social Security because they were "entitlement" programs and no one deserves them. Now, to... more >>

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photo Marcospinelli
Republicans have been trying to introduce futile care policies into state & federal law for decades.

As governor of Texas, Bush signed the Texas Advance Directives Act (aka the Texas... more >>

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Osama is somewhere in a cave laughing about how he changed America into this country of Fear!

C'mon, America! Medicare is a Government-run Healthcare Program. Get more facts

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- tmo7734 I'm a Fan of tmo7734 17 fans permalink

More lies from Chuck Grassley. When will voters wise up and vote his big country @ss out of office?

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 08:13 PM on 08/22/2009

boycott grassley, BOYCOTT IOWA Companies/Products


Make and Example of Grassley for all Senators.

We voted for a public option and health care reform. Help make it happen.

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:34 PM on 08/18/2009
- whoknew42 I'm a Fan of whoknew42 19 fans permalink

You have GOT to be kidding me!!

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:24 PM on 08/17/2009
- Pjbf I'm a Fan of Pjbf permalink

All (most) Americans want is Grassley’s healthcare plan. Simple.

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:06 PM on 08/16/2009
- Tugar I'm a Fan of Tugar 35 fans permalink

This Guy Just Needs to Be Totally Quiet Now....

He's talking out of both sides of his mouth, because he wants to be re-elected !

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 11:41 AM on 08/16/2009
- sej100 I'm a Fan of sej100 27 fans permalink

Grassley is more than an embarrassment. He, Orin Hatch and others are the very thing that is wrong with Washington and Politics today. This group has taken so much from corporate America that they have YET to represent the People they are elected to represent. All nonsensical talking points with Zero plans to improve the system.

Hatch keeps quoting a study group owned by United Health Care! People accept that?
This is what is wrong.

This group also went after a judge NOT because of her work or her decisions but because frankly she is not a middle aged WHITE MAN.

Something so foul exists today. It is predicated on GREED.

If anyone has a shred of decency or morality these people would not be in office.
The so called religious right is dead wrong in sponsoring so much immoral talking points.
Opposing providing care is not Pro life at all but for many causing death and /or suffering.

This is a disgrace.
No the US is NOT #1 in health care. We are 37 behind France, Costa Rico, Israel, Canada and so many more

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 11:20 AM on 08/16/2009
- BeyondKen I'm a Fan of BeyondKen 4 fans permalink

A little over a decade ago, during another heated debate about health care, Democratic Press Secretary Mike McCurry said that Republicans wanted Medicare - and seniors - to "Go away and die".

Republican Newt Gingrich demanded that he be fired immediately.

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 10:22 AM on 08/16/2009

Senator Grassley is one of my senators here in Iowa. To say he is an embarrassment is an understatement! To feed a person's fear and encourage them to be against universal health is ludicrous. I wonder if Senator Grassley is ready to give up his fabulous health care?

I believe the nay sayers are willing to do whatever it takes to undermine this president. It isn't really about being against health care. Rather it is about being against this president.

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:30 AM on 08/16/2009
- CL38 I'm a Fan of CL38 3 fans permalink

Republicans such as Grassley, WHO PREVIOUSLY SUPPORTED LIVING WILLS now stand up at Town Halls and irresponsibly label this as Obama’s ‘death squad’ for seniors. Their policies created our current economic crises, yet they expect us to follow them off yet another cliff. They want Americans to trust them again and believe everything they tell us, though we know we‘d be self-destructive fools if we did.

Not ONE republican has admitted what their administration did to our country these past 8 years. That's the first reason not to trust them. The second is that they still haven't changed their behavior. They're still using the same tactics -- intimidation, divide and conquer, lying, intentionally misrepresenting the facts, playing one person, one group against the other, and using fear to manipulate people into submission so we’ll be forced to continue putting our money into their pockets.

Their desperate strategy is to continue pushing the country down a dangerous path toward failure and bankruptcy, in the misguided belief that this will get them reelected. They’ve learned nothing from the past 8 years. They’re demonstrating all over again why we voted them out last November. They simply aren’t capable of leading or doing the right things for the right reasons and certainly shouldn’t be reelected in 2010.

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:04 AM on 08/16/2009

Shameless liers ...

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:35 AM on 08/16/2009

This Senator is in favor of the current "pull the plug" system. It gives more money to his campaigns.

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:24 AM on 08/16/2009
- Davidicus I'm a Fan of Davidicus 5 fans permalink

Hey -- comment moderator! How come my comments aren't displayed? That's twice today! Am I too "ad hominem" for you? I don't stink so! Now I'm beginning to wonder seriously about HuffPost editorial policy.... send me an email if you got a a complaint, and explain it... otherwise, I stand by the First Amendment.

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 08:55 PM on 08/15/2009

Davidicus: this is a Private Website ...

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:58 PM on 08/16/2009
- ccpostman I'm a Fan of ccpostman 22 fans permalink

I am guessing Grassely's favorite movie must be Logan's Run?

He has some imagination to go alone with this made-up "death panel" lie!

He is a Sandman on healthcare reform. No "Sanctuary" for us uninsured runners with no healthcare, just the insurance companies slow "Carousel" of death!

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:13 PM on 08/15/2009

The Washington Times is trying to stir the pot and is looking for videos from these fake protesters; here is their email address i think we need to overwhelm them with videos of anything we can find, send em porn!

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 05:38 PM on 08/15/2009
- mtracy9 I'm a Fan of mtracy9 215 fans permalink

Medicare is a single-payer (socialist) system, yet Republican politicians are loath to admit it (hoping their du.mb constituents wont notice), because is would undermine the Republican argument for opposing current health care reform.

    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 05:19 PM on 08/15/2009
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