Anderson Cooper to Live in Patrol House Number 2?

Posted: December 22, 2009 at 6:27 am

Yesterday, a commenter tipped us off to the nascent rumor that CNN’s Anderson Cooper had recently purchased Patrol House Number 2 at 84 West Third Street. The rumor has been swirling for a couple months, but is getting more attention now.

New York Fire Patrol House #2

According to The Real Estalker, Cooper and partner Ben Maisani purchased the property together back in September for $4.3 million.

Listing information for the four and some story firehouse shows it was listed at $4,750,000, measures a considerable 8,420 square feet, and still has its original brass poles, circular stairs, a herringbone brick floor and a two-story detached building that was once used as a stable. Further investigation turns up property record information that reveals the firehouse was sold in early September of 2009 for $4,300,000.

Perhaps this explains our chance encounter with the plainclothes news anchor a couple months ago near the corner of Sullivan Street. At the time he was walking with two suits, no doubt talking business.

  • Dave
    Ignore the commenter named "Knowledge is Power" who is a lunatic who hunts down every article on the web about Anderson Cooper just so she can indulge in her insane obsession with accusing everyone she disagrees with of being "Carol Hubbard", a person NO ONE knows or cares about but her. Don't pay any attention to Knowledge is Power, because she has neither.

    Whoever tipped you off about Anderson Cooper buying this firehouse is probably correct.
  • I thought Lou Dobbs bought this place..
  • katiecouric
    no, it was Tom Brokaw. Pretty sure.
  • Knowledge_Is_Power
    This is not true. This property was bought by a real estate woman not Anderson Cooper. I suppose Carol Hubbard is the one feeding you lies as she is all over the net talking this crap.
  • Knowledge_Is_Power
    Can't be too correct when the paperwork shows that LLC Firepatrol bought the property. They are a company that redoes firehouses to keep them intact and possibly to reopen them.

    There are 2 bills in the Senate and NY assembly that are trying to reopen this firehouse.

    No way did Anderson buy it to reopen it as a firehouse. Use common sense sometimes.
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