How we work

The Riksbank’s methods of promoting financial stability can be summarised in the following points:

  • Stability analysis

    The Riksbank makes regular analyses of the risks and threats to the stability of the financial system. Our assessments of the stability of the financial system are published twice a year in the Financial Stability Report. The analysis focuses to a large degree on systemically-important institutions, primarily the major banks and the large payment systems.

  • Supervision of the financial infrastructure

    The Riksbank also has the task of supervising the systems used for payments and transfers of securities. The purpose of this is to reduce the risks and increase the efficiency of the system’s design. The surveillance work includes evaluations of how the systems comply with international standards. The Riksbank also operates the Swedish central system for interbank payments, RIX.
  • Preparedness for financial crises

    The Riksbank’s task of promoting a safe and efficient payment system means that the Riksbank must be prepared to manage a potential crisis in the financial system. This work is done in co-operation with other authorities, both Swedish and international.
  • Influencing laws and regulations

    The Riksbank is also active in bringing about a sound regulatory structure both in Sweden and internationally. This is achieved through participation in various international regulatory bodies, as well as in opinions expressed in consultation on draft legislature. The Riksbank also takes part in the public debate, through speeches and articles.
Read more about the Financial Stability Department
