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News (publishers) Help

Additional Tips: URL redirects

Google News can follow redirects to some extent. Our guidelines suggest that you make every page on your site reachable from at least one static text link, so that we can access these pages easily. Here are some suggestions about using redirects:

  • Minimize the number of redirects needed to follow a link from one page to another.
  • Make sure your redirect timer is set for a relatively short period of time.
  • Avoid using Meta refreshes in the statement of your pages.
  • Make sure that your redirects point to valid pages.
  • Make sure that your redirects don't point to themselves.
  • Make sure that all of your redirects are valid and not empty.
  • If you are permanently redirecting from one page to another, use a permanent redirect (301).
  • Make sure you don't use &ID;= as a parameter in your URLs.
  • Use a text browser with no cookies to navigate your site to see how it would be crawled.

For more information on errors from URLs not being followed, please visit our Webmaster Help Center.

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