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Facts & Stats

Port Facts

Port Metro Vancouver trades $75 billion in goods with more than 130 trading economies annually.


Current statistics

Economic Impacts

The operation of Port Metro Vancouver involves many different enterprises including cargo terminals, cruise terminals, industries requiring tidewater access, shipyards, tugboats, railways, trucks, shipping agents, freight forwarders, suppliers, builders, and administrative agencies.

For more information about the economic impacts of Port Metro Vancouver activities, download the economic impact study by InterVISTAS Consulting, released in November 2008 and revised in January 2009.

Including indirect and induced effects, in round numbers, the total impacts of ongoing operations at businesses related to Port Metro Vancouver across Canada are:

  • 129,500 jobs
  • $10.5 billion in Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
  • $22 billion in economic output
  • $6.1 billion in wages

Learn more


Contact information

Vancouver office

Work 604.665.9000
Fax 1.866.284.4271


100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place
VancouverBC  V6C 3T4

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